MadSpy's Forum Posts

  • Maybe soon Colludium , i'm only on C2 since 1 month ago.

    I just finish mechanic's game with 2 simultaneous shoots (hit 1 ennemy, hit 2 at same times, hit 2 on different time (usefull for success))

    I'll test your new(new, new, new...) version tomorrow, 'cause i've to go to work in few hours ^^ (i'm happy)

  • you're welcome Colludium

    it's better

    I found something else (please don't hurt me lol), i share a video

  • send Colludium

  • Trying to reproduce and send screenshoot

  • you're almost there Colludium !!... but (i'm an horrible bugs'hunter):

    1/ when the player jump in the pit, the player don't fall... he's stop by an invisible floor (in the pit, it's funny) 3~4sec delay and go to the last checkpoint

    2/ you still have a probleme with the fish, i test with the following event:

    jump and grab the rope -> release -> falling to the water'edges -> climb the border -> fish visible -> grap the rope and finish in skeleton on the rope.. (flying fishs? lol)

    3/when player push the skeleton -> fall down and grab -> the skeleton fall in first and grab continue with skeleton behind the player (funny to push nothing and the skeleton follow the player.

    that's all (for the moment)

    feel free to say "stop finding my bug" ^^

  • nice visual Colludium (a little to dark) but i finish the level on jump in the pit again instead of taking the cage(the crib? damned english)

  • Hi Colludium

    I found another way to finish your first level: just jump in the abyss after the chariot and your game considers the player win

    (sorry i know i must stop to found bug lol)

    (happy to see the trap works normally)

  • Have you made your Hud by yourself?

    i'll be here to test your new stuff ^^

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  • Hi,

    On "main menu" eventsheet:

    on check2 opacity = 100 --> set "greenthing" variable WASD to 100 instead of 1

    Works better

  • I have not tested if the last trap before the end did the same thing. I'll test later

  • "2. Mmmm - I can't duplicate that at all. Does it happen consistently or was it just the once? Either way, that should not be possible.... which is not good. "

    I tested again :

    active trap -> go to the left to dodge and go to the right -> jump over the trap (the trap is now on the ground again) -> wait 1sec -> trap rotate 90° clockwise (under the ground) --> go back (before the trap) -> trap activate and rotate 90° counter clockwise (go back parallel to the ground) -> trap active again and rotate 90° counter and kill the player

    5/sometimes when the player jump to go down the platform (one that avoids the ball), the player die when he hit the ground

  • hum i've just pin the girl on the top of the 1st object you can move.... don't try to walk on it AND grab it (minor bug).. can't do anything.. just the beginning of grab's anim

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  • great job LittleStain

  • Colludium

    i tested this new version.

    1/ Xbox left joy y sensitive is better

    2/ minor bug with the 1st trap (afer the ball) -> activate -> dodge's player -> jump over -> active but under the ground (i mean the trap rotate 90° clockwisse)

    3/ minor bug with the ladder under the chariot:

    when the player pull to the right the chariot (instead of pushing it) and when the player jump (for climb the chariot), then the player climb the ladder (with anim) in the air and can down under the ground

    4/ when the player grab and push the skeleton, the grab's anim run in the air when the player goes down the platform