MadSpy's Forum Posts

  • Works well on Galaxy S3 .

    With the exception of appariton artifacts on left and right of the screen when starting the game in portrait view and the game switches to landscape view .

  • Hi,

    After a few minutes of testing , I can report the following:

    • The player can leave the camera view by using the arrow keys.
    • The player can discover each level by moving the same way .

    = So no traps or enemies.

    I hope it will help you improve and correct your game.

    Note: The game remains small in maximized window.

  • that's what I thought. thanks Ashley

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  • ( Beginner Question) Does that also work with NW.JS ?

  • Thanks Ashley

  • For the moment, i haven't any export bugs with NW12 and R200 release(steam edition).

    I preferred to use the EU4 instead of Unity for another project. ( but I think at times to switch the current project on EU4 )

    I hope to have a level 2 alpha for you to try in the next couple of weeks .

    I'll take time to do that

  • In fact, there are 6 accounts for now . Maybe Ashley will interpose.

  • I hope you progressing well in your new level. This game has potential.

  • Poor little robot martyred by blocks villains

    very cute and fun !

    We are waiting for a French translation :p

  • Maybe an empty sprite on the ground under the crushers for testing overlap (with player) will correct your pb

  • Hi,

    On your other post about the same subject , you didn't answer if the crop function gave a change.

  • Hi,

    Crusher definitly kills player even if player collide on crusher in down position. Same if the player is below the crusher but that's normal.

    There is something that I find a bit frustrating : when we advance towards the elevator , sometimes it goes over the hole without falling , and once one falls into the hole (like we miss walking) .

    EDIT: test on NW10.5 and NW12

  • Hi,

    You can add boolean var to Jugador (Asreload= true (default))

    condition: on mouse leftclick AND Jugador Asreload=true

    action : set Jugador boolean var = false

    Jugador spawn bullet

    wait "reloadtime" (variable,1sec,10sec what you want...)

    set jugador bolean var= true

    well done

    EDIT: you can change condition "on left click" by "on left mouse down"

  • Hi,

    May be you can set the cursor mouse to none on start layout condition

    It seems the cam scroll (quickly) to the top of your layer/layout when the player falls in the deep of pits and dies.

  • I love elevators' bugs .... may be you could say I like to find bugs , some could bear witness lol