I'm attempting to recreate a game element similar to that in ClaDun x2, in which, when you pick up a coin, it spawns a sparkly thing on the playfield that floats slowly towards the coin bag in the UI.
My problem is that my characters and everything are on a layer called Play, that has a parallax rate of 100, 100. And my UI is on a layer with a parallax rate of 0, 0.
I'm not sure how to handle this sequence, because if I spawn the sparkle on Play, it'll spawn in the right place, but it won't be able to travel towards the UI correctly. But if I spawn it on UI, it won't spawn in the right place because of the parallax.
Edit: I just tried placing an object with the Anchor behavior on the Play layer, directly over the UI. It /almost/ works but the Anchored object shifts a little. Okay a lot...
You can see the effect I'm going for here: http://youtu.be/-tmYdvzBb-c?t=32s
(watch carefully when the character picks up a coin, it's sort of subtle...)