lwgames's Forum Posts

  • I re installed and updated the laptop, things work much better, still fortunately now i know i need some "code" improvements and you guys helped me a lot. Thank you.

    I am happy that it was me, and not the engine, even if the engine still needs lot of work, with tests i guess i can do whatever i need.

    Now to be clear, there should be a major topic or manual article, where proper usage of events is explained and update(since some structure can destroy your real fps, even if it shows 60), because this engine is advertised like an easy tool, but in reality if you dont have background in scripting(which i have, tho it didnt help this time, i wasnt carefull), you are pretty much screwed on performance.

    For example in examples you see every tick > do something, pretty much everywhere, so a new user will use that without thinking and have surprises later.

    Anyway this helped a lot, and i reached a few other topics that helped too.

    Thanks for your time.

  • From what i read Ashley said layers dont affect performance, of course unless u make a lot of them(unproven). VRAM is at 8mega at the moment.

    Ill do some tests when the laptop is ready since i have on board intel on it but also Geforge 410m so i can switch. On my main i cant test, since its a i7, 3ghz, GTX 260 and 8 giga ram(not high end, but over most of the standard pcs.. so it doesnt help)

  • Aphrodite lots of good feedback, thanks for taking time to help me, learned a few things. I usually use If/Else on php and other scripting languages, but on Construct 2 the events structure tricked me, now i see clearer with ur examples. Thanks, this helps.

    Guizmos, you are right, now i saw that i check for collision all the time with no reason, ill fix, that thanks. Ill check infinite runner, and analyze the tick events.

    Good feedback so far, thanks guys, still doesn't explain why 56 events game, with maybe 10 objects on screen and %5 cpu usage is sluggish on mediocre PCs. But i will investigate more and rewrite it based on feedback and more research.

    I will re install a fresh copy of windows on my laptop, and do more tests, based on your feedback, and improve the version considerably.

    Thanks, and also if others have more insight, let me know.

    I really hope that i am doing something wrong(which i will find out in the next days testing heavily part of the code, on my laptop) and is not the engine...

  • Do the dirt spikes that come at you have a sluggish movement?


  • my bad, i removed the plugins, thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks, the thing is that sometimes it shows me 50-60 fps, but those moving spikes that come at you, their movement is so sluggish...

    Also imagine that most of the people have on board cards, those horrible intel gfx. So if the game doesnt perform good on those, these HTML 5 hispter sh*t is useless, since you loose 70% of the players.

  • I think i am about to drop Construct 2 for good. I made this little game these days, and it performs poorly, very very bad. On my desktop of course after i rewritten it 2 times, it works well on 60 frames, 3-5% CPU usage, and 7 mega vram usage.

    On the laptop the performance(2ghz dual core, 4gb ram, GE FORCE GT 415m - 1gb video) is horrid 20-30 frames based on browser. Chrome being the worse, which is strange. I tested with 155, 158, 162. Things are getting even worse.

    Now if any of the more advanced users, can take a look at the capx, and tell me what i am doing wrong, cause i dont get it, if i cant make a simple game work on the casual, portal gamers PCs, how the hell i am supposed to even dream about html 5 on phones ...

    The performance of this engine is horrible for regular PC/laptops. I looked at flash, a complex tower defense works flawlessly on my other 7 years old laptop(2 ghz single core, very bad ATI video card, 2gb ram, xp). Construct barely scores 10 fps there. At the same time i took a look at GMC html 5 examples, and they perform much, much better, almost perfectly.

    So now two things(3) are happening:

    1) I am not developing c2 games the "proper" way.

    2) The engine is horrible, even GMC is doing better on html 5 performance, by a lot.

    3) a little of both.

    Now, somebody please, prove me wrong, look at the capx, and explain to me, i am sure there is a big possibility that i am doing something wrong.

    livedemo: http://lw-games.com/stuff/f4 (press F for FPS, S sound off, M music off, P pause)


  • cute, i like it.

  • same here, ill downgrade to 154, i spend two day optimizing a sh*tty game on debug with 40 objects(5 present on screen at a time) and 30 events, just to notice that there is no point. I know the technology is new and hipsterish, i personally hate it, since it barely performs well, but i got used to the engine, its nice(ignoring the editor which is flawed, needs a lot of work, and some of the functions..). Flash is 100x faster, and you dont have to spend days on debug, to optimize, unless you screw big time.

    hopefully is just a temporary setback, but if it continues like this, ill drop it in heart bit, even if it means i will work more for my games, at least they will perform well.

  • Actually it works, strange i tried it 2 times, but i probably messed something in the process, i was wondering wth, it makes no sense:p

    I need some sleep:P


  • So you say?


    that doesnt work.

  • Hi Guys,

    I ve been working on a custom highscore, but i encounter a strange problem when requesting with ajax.

    i have a global variable score in my project, and a inputbox to store the name so, that will be:

    AJAX Request:


    It doesn't worky and i have no idea why?

    If i use no variable, and put directly values, like this:


    It works.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • i bought the game just to support you guys, the game is not bad, good production value, cute graphics, the gameplay its ok. I also said "yes" on steam:)

    Now sqiddster, you should be next, i think AirScape has a lot of potential:)

    Me? well maybe in 3-5 months i ll have something interesting to show:P

  • oh yeah i agree, its a pain without

  • Indeed, so far i used plugins for that.