Lunastras's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • So what I am aiming to do is replicate the way NDS pokemon games look, so I decided to try out the 3D plugin for C2. I've only used it for an hour and the handful of tutorials that are available didn't address my issue. I've been playing with random models I have found on the net and C2 seems to be able to render them just fine, but when I imported the most basic shape ever, a plane, I couldn't make it visible on the screen. I had thought that it's probably just under the floor or at an angle in which I wouldn't be able to see it, but no matter what I tried, I just couldn't make it visible.

    I made a little test with a thicker model that also rotates and it seems to be working just fine (although it's still diving under the floor which irritates me).

    I know not a whole lot of people have tried out (or even heard) about Q3D, but is there anybody that has had a similar experience to this before?

    Here is the .capx I've been testing on. ''test.obj'' is the thicker model that works, and ''plane.obj'' is the one that doesn't.

    dropbox (dot) com/s/60j22ibswn4mia3/3Dtest.capx?dl=0

  • If I understand correctly ...

    it seems to work... xmlCharacters.capx

    Thank you for the reply!

    You confirmed me that I wasn't looking deep enough at the capx. I started thinking out of the box, instead of "Why isn't it working now'' I started thinking ''Did it even work to begin with?''. When I ctrl z'd everything I've realised it wasn't working anymore. I don't have a clue when I broke it, but now it's working like a charm.

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  • So I followed a little tutorial on how to make an RPG like text box, and it worked like a charm, no problem at all. It was a series of events that read some tags from an XML file in the form of <dialog><line></line></dialog>. Now, I wanted to have more than a single character for this (and I am going to have a lot more), so I made another set of tags, <character></character>, this way I can have more than one set of dialogues, but I can't seem to make it work. It's not writing anything and the text box just says ''Text''. I tripled checked the events sheet to make sure I haven't done any mistake, but I couldn't identify any. If anybody can notice a problem in the XML code and the C2 code then that would be great, because right now I am stuck in this phase.

    <character id='1'>
    	<dialog id='1' type="normal">
    		<line id='1' >This is a mere prototype</line>
    		<line id='2' >why u so mean.</line>
    		<line id='3' >don't judge us.</line>
    		<line id='4' >plz.</line>
    <dialog id='2' type="end">
    And the c2 code used to extract the text (there are dozens of these, but they all have this form so I'll only post this one).
    XML.StringValue("/MyGame/character[@id=" & curCharacter & "]/dialog[@id=" & curDialog & "]/line[@id=" & curLine & "]/text()")
    I also feel like pointing out that when you interact with that NPC, curCharacter's value is set to 1.
    If there isn't any mistake here then I'll post the entire event sheet.
    I will also post the tutorial I followed (which includes a capx).
    I can't post the link so here is the video id: /watch?v=BntLd2YUg4c&ab_channel=ScirraVideos
  • I normally set the animations based on the angle of movement, not the key presses.

    Check this example:

    [EDIT] Corrected some bugs in the file.



    Thanks a lot! I guess the problem with my second method were the values for the angles.

  • This is my events list

    I have tried to make an animation for walking and staying work, but I have some issues.

    Let me explain the problem here, when pressing left and then up in the same time, it will go diagonal (naturally) and the animation is going to be the left walking one, but when I release the left key, the character is going up, yet the animation is going to be the Idle left animation, how can I fix this? I know 100% why this is happening, but I just don't see any way around it, even though I know there is one, and IF I had to make some black magic with HTML 5, then sorry, I only know C++ and putting codes in construct 2 is still something that I'm unfamiliar with.

    Another thing I tried is to make the animations play depending on the angle the sprite is moving, but it doesn't work at all.

    what's the problem here?

  • 5 posts