This is my events list
I have tried to make an animation for walking and staying work, but I have some issues.
Let me explain the problem here, when pressing left and then up in the same time, it will go diagonal (naturally) and the animation is going to be the left walking one, but when I release the left key, the character is going up, yet the animation is going to be the Idle left animation, how can I fix this? I know 100% why this is happening, but I just don't see any way around it, even though I know there is one, and IF I had to make some black magic with HTML 5, then sorry, I only know C++ and putting codes in construct 2 is still something that I'm unfamiliar with.
Another thing I tried is to make the animations play depending on the angle the sprite is moving, but it doesn't work at all.
what's the problem here?