's Forum Posts

  • Good luck! Looks fun!

  • Anyone know why this error pops up when running PhoneGap? Is it due to plugins? I'm using built-in plugins though.

    * What went wrong:

    Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

    Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    BUILD FAILED in 16s

    Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.

  • q3olegka Have you figured this out on your end? I've been having issues and can get interstitial and rewards to load, but no luck with regular banners except sometimes after the interstitial banner loads, then the regular banners start showing.

    In this thread, I state that changing my package name seems to fix the issue, but this means new app since the package name can't be changed on an existing app.

    My issue:

    - Banners don't show

    - Banners show on test mode

    - Banners have better chance of showing randomly after a interstitial ad shows.

  • Anyone figured out a solution on their end? I tried many different things and still no success.

  • For those of you who wanted check out the free version of Super Tiny Dungeon Hero, you can get it on GooglePlay here:

  • Since I'm working with dual analog controls, maybe I can detect whether the movement and aiming is at around the same direction and add a little more speed. Was just hoping for a more simple logic.

  • Sort of close. Shooting forward seems to push the bullet correctly, but not when shooting back. Also, when I move the player up or down, it drags the bullet up or down as well.

  • dop2000 Thanks for your help. Sort of works, but it's only vectorX (doesn't work for shooting up or down) and seems to shoot faster when shooting in the opposite direction as the player vector is added to the existing speed.

    Here's a c3p file to show you the current issue:

    Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks again!

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  • If I have a player moving to the right, shooting the bullet to the left (backwards) the bullet seems to be going pretty fast. However, if I shoot it the same direction i'm travelling to the right (forwards), the bullet seems to be going slow because the bullet doesn't have momentum of the player travelling. Is there a way to make the bullet go the same speed in relation to the player?

    This is a top down shooter where the player can shoot in any direction.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Good luck!

  • I have this issue with certain games not showing ads. It shows up in TestMode, but not when I uncheck it. It was resolved as Can't Reproduce.

  • I have filed this as bug, but it was resolved as "Can't reproduce" recently. I feel like it's tied to my package ID as changing that naming works. I'll see if I can troubleshoot based on their comments.

  • Which specific part are you having difficulty with? Is it the whole game concept or a certain aspect of it?


    You'll need to store the amount of money in a LocalStorage so that you can add to it and retrieve it later on. Everytime you retrieve it (or set it), you can put it in your global variable and then set the text to the global variable. Check out the LocalStorage documentation, which is really helpful if this is your first time dealing with LocalStorage.

    Changing layout:

    When changing layout, if you don't want to display the money UI, then don't include it, destroy it, or hide it.

    Platform/Top down

    There is no switching of perspective really. You just define it by what behaviors you use and how you construct your levels. For example, if you have a player and put a Platform behavior, then you have a side scrolling game. Add solid objects for the player to jump on. If you want top-down, then give your player 8-directional movement and design the layout as such. You can disable or enable if you need to have both.

    There are some basic fundamentals you are curious about so let us know if you have specific questions to the challenges you are facing. Good luck! :)

  • I believe my reward ads are working just fine. You can see it in Football Dash after you lose the 1st time, watch reward video to continue playing.

    I'm sure you've checked your admobs IDs, but you may want to double check them. Are you also queueing up the reward video before you need to display it?

    I just entered reward amount of 1 and called the reward item whatever I wanted. For mine, I call it, "Prevent tackle".

    Are your other ads working? Just the reward that's not displaying?