LukeW's Forum Posts

  • So I've been mucking around a bit with the fullscreen mode options in C3. In the project properties bar, there are 4 types listed:

    inner, outer, letterbox, integer letterbox.

    But if you go to the browser action 'request fullscreen', there's a fifth one added 'stretch: crop'.

    From what I've read online, this used to be in the C2 properties, but was removed in C3.

    I mean, I probably won't use it. But thought it was weird seeing it there, especially as the manual for the browser states: "The fullscreen modes that can be entered correspond to the Fullscreen mode project property." and makes no mention of a different scale method.

    So what does crop actually do?


  • Not sure why the event sheet image didn't show up in the previous post:

  • Okay, this is what I've come up with using sin and cos. I can't for the life of me get it to follow at a perfect opposite position without having a second object that runs at a right angle to the first.

    I'm sure there's a way to get rid of that go between shadow object, but I think I might be too stupid to work it out. I've tried all sorts of different combinations with no luck... I mean, this works, but it's not really ideal having an extra object in there.

  • I'm sure this isn't as hard as I'm making myself think it is, but currently a common complaint with my game is that the user can swipe the screen to see around them, but it feels wrong because the camera tracks the finger whereas it should swipe in the opposite direction.

    So I'm trying to work out how to lerp the camera to the opposite spot with the player as the central point.

    I'm either typing in the wrong thing, or there is a serious lack of documentation on this (I'm leaning to the first assumption), but I can't for the life of me find a formula or documentation to help me with this.


  • Congrats, looks interesting.

    Any chance of an Android version?

  • It would be pretty useful to know what devices can't run Construct games well. As of now, there are 8933 devices that my Android app supports in the Play Store. With no way to test them, an exclusion list would be nice.

    However, I noticed on export options that you can restrict by OS. On the assumption that older devices are less likely to run C3 games well (for example, my son's S4 gets pretty low fps on my pixel platformer) perhaps it might be viable to restrict according to OS?

  • Yep, in my first post, I wrote your name with a lowercase 'n', which I figured was why it didn't work. Then an edit did nothing, so I tried deleting the post and trying again and still nothing, so I threw my hands up and said 'oh well!'


  • I have this happen sometimes too, not sure why but can be frustrating if trying to get to the RGB and alpha fields. Tab on the keyboard works, but you still can't see it on screen.

  • oosyrag, thank you!

    The true solution would be to use sin and cos to determine where the object should be, in effect recreating the orbit with events rather than using behavior. Then you have control of when the position gets updated.

    I tried this and was still getting the effect, but then you said

    Alternatively, have you tried Wait 0 for updating the helper sprite's position?

    And it worked. Haven't bothered to try it with the orbit behaviour, as I now essentially have what I need. Solution below if anyone needs it for future reference. Also, thanks dop2000 and I honestly hated the idea of pinning the player to the platform though, so am glad it won't be necessary :P

    edit - not sure why I can't tag Nepeo, but thanks anyway mate :)

  • As you can see, I want a platform rotating around a specific point. I'm using every tick to set the platform's location to the object in the back. Problem is, it's almost like the solid behaviour is playing catchup with the orbit, like there's a frame delay.

    You can see in the gif that it doesn't look good.

    Hoping there's a fix for this that I've missed.


  • I've finally finished making all 100 levels! Those last 20 were so painful, I didn't count on the fact that the dungeons get progressively larger for each world :/

    I now just have the final boss to add, a secret boss, and then making some of the cutscenes a bit better. Oh, and lots of bug squashing... :D

  • The BIGGEST key to any games success is marketing. And I don't just mean buying ads on Google. By that I mean getting the word out and in the proper channels. For example. Albion Online just went free to play. If you look at the Steam charts prior to f2p it had around 400-600 players. Two days after going f2p it had 10,000 players. Their marketing team blasted out press releases to all of the major game review sites prior to going f2p and many of them picked up on that story. As a result, Google News grabbed those stories and showed those news articles to people who are interested in gaming (like me). As a result, I saw it and I decided to go play (and subscribe for a month). There are gobs of ways to market your game for free. Journalists who write stories about gaming love it when their job is made easy by press releases. It means they don't have to go digging for a story.

    Yep, this is the one that keeps me up at night. So many games getting put out there without any marketing strategy and then just getting lost.

    I'm currently applying for a government grant for exactly this reason. When I spoke to the person who organises the grants, they stated that it's a recognised issue among the peopel they support where developers know how to make good games, but are clueless with marketing as they're two very separate areas. Ideally, the grant money will allow me to hire a marketing person.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ah, OK, not a major concern then. LukeW - if you still think this is important please repost a suggestion specific to the AdMob plugin, your previous suggestion read like a general engine feature.

    Okay, done. Hopefully this time it's a bit clearer.


  • We don't have a condition for it yet, but we could add one. Stick a request on the feature tracker and so we can track the interest. It may have to be async due to the way we interact with the SDK.

    Hi Nepeo, I added the request as you suggested and it got declined with the following response:

    The consent dialog is not always needed (it's only if you store/transmit personal information, which the runtime does not do by default). Additionally it's not easy to tell client-side if the user is in the EU or not; you basically need a geolocation service which can be done by a remote server based on the IP address. This solution is already possible and can't be built in to the engine as it depends on other services.

    So can we get some clarification regarding your previous post where you stated:

    As a developer you need to:

    1. ...
    2. add a button to your game ( either in settings or the start page ) to show the user consent dialog ( action on the mobile advert plugin )

    as there seems to be conflicting statements here? Is this step still required?

    Thanks in advance

  • yep, seeing this too.