LukeW's Forum Posts

  • Not going to bother submitting a bug report over this as 1) it's a pretty minor thing and 2) it's too hard to predict when it happens and I doubt a sample project would help. But randomly, the loader style on my project switches back to the Construct logo (I have it set to the progress bar only).

    Now, like I said, it's not a major deal, but I was wondering if anyone else has found this quirk? Happens to me about once every day or so, but it seems really unpredictable. Like, it happened just then while I'm working on a new enemy. I have one event sheet and one layout open and that's it. One minute I'm seeing the progress bar, went and changed a couple of animations and move some set animation events around, then I go to test and get the default logo. Sure enough, I check the project settings and it's reverted back to Construct logo loader. I didn't even have project settings on the screen this time!

    So yeah, anyone else get this?

  • Thanks Nepeo for the reply, I'll just stick to the recommended 12 listings.

    As a developer you need to:

    1. change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers
    2. add a button to your game ( either in settings or the start page ) to show the user consent dialog ( action on the mobile advert plugin )
    3. add you publisher ID and privacy policy URL to your project ( properties of the mobile advert plugin )
    4. decide if you going to offer a paid ad free version of your game

    The second one is important; while the user consent dialog is already shown to the user on first run you are required to allow your users to withdraw or modify their consent at a later date

    Sorry to keep hammering you on this.

    I added the button like suggested, that runs fine when I spoof my location to be in EU and all that. However, outside of the EU, that button does nothing.

    Ideally, I would like to just be able to hide it if the player isn't in the EU, but I can't find an event condition that would let me do this. Is there an event hiding somewhere that lets the program check if the user is in the EU? I've looked in mobileAdvert, Geolocation and system event conditions with no luck. Likewise, been through the manual.

    Any help or suggestions on this would be appreciated as I hate just having a button there that does nothing.


  • I feel like I should warn everyone that adverts are now more involved. In Construct you will now have to specify your application ID, publisher ID ( available on your admob settings page and looks like "pub-012134127862" ) as well as the URL to your applications privacy policy. Furthermore you will need to change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers ( this is a limitation of the Google consent dialog ).

    Sorry to resurrect an old thread Nepeo, but is this still applicable? I'm seeing mixed reports from different sources.

    And if so, is it better just to keep the provider limited to Google?


  • oh, alright then :D

    I've turned off 'use loader layout' for the moment to see what difference that makes.


  • hey dop2000,

    Thanks for the advice. I'll update the loader layout to make it check that it's complete before moving on. I feel like I may have misinterpreted exactly how loader layers actually work.

    Also, thanks for the link. As I read through I saw this:

    'Loader layouts are only ever shown the very first time the game is being downloaded from the web. Since Construct 2 games save to disk so they can work offline, the next time the user plays the game it will load instantly.'

    which sounds to me like it might be related to my initial problem, assuming this applies to C3 as well.

  • Cheers

  • So I've had this happen to my game a few times, as reported by a couple of users and just then now when I was testing a new apk.

    On first time launch, the game hangs at the loader screen. It will start loading, so part of the progress bar fills, but then stops moving. A restart of the program seems to fix it and then the problem doesn't reoccur.

    Wandering if anyone else has encountered this? I wonder what causes it.

    I don't think I'd be able to reproduce it in a separate cp3 file, so don't know that filing a bug report would be any use.

    This was on stable build with the c3 runtime on Android.

  • Alright, I got it all working. For any one looking for help in the future, I found the post here by jagoman to be more helpful than anything else online.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Is it just me, or is there not really anything much out there to help with this? The documentation is okay, but it's always best to be able to look at a working example.

    Anyway, I've been searching the internet, and the best video I could find on this was a couple of years old with a teenager talking over the top of some still screens... because his recording software had broken! And all the examples were based on C2 which I don't even know if they would apply anymore.

    Surely I'm not that helpless that I can't even do a proper search? I managed with everything else okay. But if someone has a better example I can check out, I'd love to see it.


    p.s. there really needs to be a search function for the tutorial section on this website. Just saying...

  • 80 levels are now available. New sound tracks for worlds 1,2,3. New starting cutscene (really made me think I need to learn those timelines as I did it all with tween). Multiple character select screen with 3 playable characters.

    Getting close to release :/

  • I think a change in Chrome 73 stopped our override for ctrl+wheel from blocking the browser-level zoom. I found a workaround so it should be fixed in the next release.

    Awesome, cheers

  • For some reason, since the latest stable build, I keep accidentally zooming in/out the UI when I mean to zoom around the layout while using the ctrl+mousewheel shortcut. Now I know that doubles as quick-zoom in browser, but I swear I never had the issue prior to the latest release. Now I seem to be hitting it all the time by accident.

    Essentially, it happens when I'm working quickly and quick-zoom while the mouse is over the properties bar and what not, so instead of zooming the layout, suddenly my whole setup goes crazy and I get a message prompt stating to restart for changes to take affect. Usually I can just reset the zoom and keep working, but tonight when it happened it completely threw out the mouse placement in layout view and wouldn't fix itself with an entire restart.

    I know it's pretty trivial, and I'm being clumsy by triggering this at all, but I swear this never used to happen.

    Using Chrome... Maybe I should just disable that in my browser?

  • My favourite condition/action combo is:

    [ * ][restart layout]

    * = a blank condition

    No crap, I've lost count of the amount of times I've had students put their hands up (or just yell across the room) that their game is frozen and won't respond.

    This is the first thing I look for in their event sheet and sure enough, it's almost always the same thing. I guess they figure that having a blank condition means it won't trigger the action.

    The other one they always mess up (despite me telling them many, many times) is creating a layout but not linking an event sheet to it.

  • Also, took people's advice and hired a musician. Currently some new tracks in world 3, hoping to get world 1 rewritten soon.

  • That's a cool feature!