what's the difference between canvas and canvas + ?
what about the splash screen ?
Canvas is a HTML5 element...
Canvas+ is a Webview engine for canvas (the element) based games to improve their performance. As you are asking for the Splash, if you see the splash it means you are using Canvas+ (previously known as CocoonJS, but know you can pick among more webview engines).
The splash will be there, as always. It is a beta, so there is no way of removing it until the beta period ends.
is cocoon suporting the multiplayer photon plugin since it work on safari browser (ipad and iphone)?
thanks for reply
I don't think that is a Cordova plugin. One thing a C2 plugin and something different a Cordova plugin.
We support Cordova plugins. If they are adapted for C2, you can use it in your project and, after you export it, add it to your project at the cloud.
Both (the C2 plugin + the cordova plugin) are required.