halabalussa and
I think steven, it makes more sense for it to work the way it does, so then you can have things happening during the transition, instead of an active previous layout, and a paused next layout. I changed your cap so it fades to the next color at start of layout to show an example of how to make this work for you.
download here
also in the cap is an example if you don't want something gradual like that, to simulate the start of layout coming after the transition, just replace:
Start of Layout
System:Compare Time:greater than or equal to:(length of transition),
of course replacing (length of transition) with the actual length of the transition. probably best to set it to a global variable ('transitionlength'), so you only have to change it in one place.
nilesh, I could not reproduce the crash.
even when I used warpfade transition. please try the above file, and see if it crashes for you. the actual transition code is beyond the scope of my programming knowledge, but if this file doesn't crash for you, you can send me your cap, or narrow it down yourself, and see if it crashes only when a certain object is present, or when a certain behavior is on an object, or maybe only when you have certain actions on start of layout. just taking stuff out of your cap until it stops crashing. there is always a possibility I can find a problem that doesn't require an understanding of the actual transition code to fix.