lucid's Forum Posts

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  • captainsteff (thanks for the example project, btw):


    • Added Remove Character Map action to remove a single character map
  • Thanks to Chadori for this update :


    • updated the plugin for compliance with the new advanced closure compiler requirements (minification)
    • fixed a bug that would cause the game to become unresponsive when using the expression 'playToTimeLeft'


    Hi lucid, thanks for the new update. For some reason, I've got a significant performance boost from your new update.

    That's probably thanks to avoiding attempting sprite frame changes when not needed.

    Thanks for doing this. That was super helpful!

  • Thanks again for your patience everyone.

    vurzu - I think I found the source of your issues, and I sent them in a reply to your email

    johnsmith :


    • fixed bug where overrides applied during blends wouldn't work correctly
    • optimized frame changing by removing unnecessary frame change attempts

    captainsteff - That's definitely something I can look into for the next build. If you happen to already have or you can quickly create a project where there's a character that has a bunch of character maps applied to them already with events, please link here or send to me at It would be super helpful.

  • johnsmith vurzu - Thanks for your patience. I was going to wait to respond until I had a fix or a resolution, but it's taking longer than I expected. I'm wrapping up a Spriter 2 build, but I should be able to get to these by the middle of next week, and hopefully sooner. Thanks for sending the examples, btw.

  • johnsmith


    Is there an example on how to use "override bones with IK" ?

    I can't seem to get it working, my character disappears when I use it (and freeze the game in debug mode)

    You were using it correctly. This was a bug from the update to C3 runtime that was never noticed until now.:


    • Fixed a bug where using Override Bones With IK would freeze the game
    • Fixed a bug where using bezier curves in an animation would freeze the game
  • captainsteff Thank you. Happy New Year to you as well!

    The pointX and pointY expressions were replaced by objectX and objectY, which can be used for any object (points, boxes, sprites, and bones), as opposed to just points.

  • 1-3-2021

    • Added action to Load from URL to load projects at runtime
  • woot! we did it! Enjoy and happy holidays luckyrawatlucky

  • luckyrawatlucky


    • Deprecated the superfluous actions for Set Opacity and Set Visible, and for the Opacity expression. The extra ACEs won't be there in projects that weren't already using them, but if they were already in your project they will remain there. Note: If you were using the extra opacity action (rather than the built in one that will remain), then opacity was being applied twice, so opacity actions will need to be adjusted accordingly to maintain the same result.
    • Fixed a bug where opacity and visibility weren't being applied for non-self-draw mode
  • thanks captainsteff! Happy Holidays to you as well.

  • luckyrawatlucky


    • Fixed a bug where spriter objects that retrieved animation info from cache would remain invisible if paused on start of layout
    • Added a workaround for a Construct 3 SDK bug where under certain circumstances, after restarting a layout, two instances could share the same IID. This would prevent sprites from becoming associated with their corresponding Spriter objects, and thus not animate
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  • No. I meant I need to step away from my pc (going to Dr's appointment) so I won't be able to work on this until later or tomorrow.

    Though regarding the instructions. I tried that several times and it hadn't happened yet. Will try some more later.

  • Ok. I have to step out so I will take another look at this later.

  • Does this happen with the penguin example? Also do you just mean rescale it by resizing the actual window? They're all staying visible for me.