lucid's Forum Posts

  • 9-16-2019

    • Fixed a playback bug with quintic easing curves
  • Rable

    Sure! I would appreciate a fix before Gamescom, but take your time. :)

    Thanks a lot for the support!

    Hello Rable. I apologize. This is turning out to be a bit more involved than I expected, so these are my recommended workarounds until I can sort out the issue:

    • Have a full layer with the effect applied to it, and move the scml object to that layer, as needed.
    • Use non-self-draw mode, and apply the effect to the entire family of sprites.


    Hi! lucid

    I found few issues with plugin

    1) there is no "set size" action in event and there is only "set object scale ratio".

    I applied tween behavior to scml file and want to tween size. but this doesn't change size of my animation object. I know i can do this with by using tween value. but i think there should be "set size" action in events.

    2) in the events there are two "Set Opacity" and two "Set Visible". Why? i think one is Construct 3's and another is your plugin's

    3) "Pin C2 Object to Spriter Object" & "Set C2 Object to Spriter Object" not working.

    4) there is no way to compare "Character Map".


    1. We never added Set Size with separate dimensions for x and y, because it wouldn't work properly on non-self draw-mode separate sprites (they would be individually scaled relative to their angle), and the intention was to be able to switch the project back and forth. I might be able to add something like that specifically for self-draw mode in the future, but I'm tied up for the time being.

    2. You're correct. I'll put out a new version in the near future that deprecates the duplicate ones (This won't break old projects using it. The extra ones just won't show up in new projects)

    3. I'll look into this as soon as I can.

    4. You can have multiple Character Maps applied at a time, in different orders, so you would have to be checking if a specific character map is included in what's currently applied. For now, the plugin doesn't keep track of every character map applied (to save a tiny bit of memory). In the future, I can probably add a way to check if specific character maps are applied, and remove or insert individual character maps, but similar to (1) it's a bit too involved to get started on at the moment.

  • Spriter 2 Roadmap and news!

    Rable luckyrawatlucky - sorry for the delay, will look into these soon.

  • bilgekaan

    lucid Hi, I heard that you are using Unity to make Spriter 2.

    Are you going to fully support Construct 3 with Spriter 2?

    Yes. We're going to be releasing a lot more information on everything in the near future, but the way Spriter 2 is architected, once the initial C3 plugin is done, it should be much easier to keep things up to date with new features.

  • lucid

    Nailed it. Add any effect on an SCML object in the new plug-in and it disappears. Tested with burn, tint and color. Thanks in advance for your help. ;)

    Excellent. Thank you. Gimme a couple of days to look into this, please.

  • Please send me or link me to a c3proj with non-displaying objects. Here or at

  • luckyrawatlucky



    • Fixed a bug where overriding animations would cause the project to freeze
    • Fixed version number
  • Mikal

    lucid thanks for the note on AssetManager SDK, was waiting for the fix before I moved my project over which has also uses that API. Also thanks for all the work on the plugin from an active C3 / Spriter user.

    No problem, but after I saw your message I realized I had a typo. It needs to be changed to GetProjectUrl.(I had previously put AddProjectUrl for some reason)


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  • Rable luckyrawatlucky


    • Fixed a compatability issue with C3 version 153

    On a side note, for anyone dealing with these v153 issues with other plugins, or with your own plugin, any 'LoadProjectFileUrl' needs to be changed to 'GetProjectFileUrl'. Ashley said he's re-added LoadProjectFileUrl to the next version to maintain legacy compatibility.

  • Yeah not sure what's going on. I guess I would make sure it's not marked as beta maybe? In the past when I've had issues I usually just delete the version and reupload it as a new version.

    Also, everyone, Ashley responded with a potential fix for it to work with the new c3 beta, but I probably won't be able to get to it for a couple of days.

  • luckyrawatlucky - Aside from just creating a new version with a new version name upon upload I also edit the addon.json with the new version name. Other than that, I just upload them and they automatically appear in order.

  • luckyrawatlucky Rable - I checked out the issue. There were changes made and methods removed from AssetManager. As far as I can tell documentation hasn't been updated. I asked Ashley what I could use to replace the previous commands.

    More importantly, I don't think the issues with this build are exclusive to the plugin. If you check the comment section of the new release there are multiple people experiencing issues with projects not working.

  • thanks captainsteff and XpMonster - glad to have finally gotten a chance to catch up on things

  • XpMonster:


    • Fixed a bug where animation playback for paused entities wouldn't automatically resume with Set Animation action