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  • I realize that this isn't the most practical test in the world, but I was curious how well construct performs and it also relates to a project I'm working on with fake vector objects built from very few sprites. I thought some might be interested in the results

    basically there is a sprite 512x512

    it creates a new instance of the sprite in a random spot every tick

    it also moves every existing instance and rotate it randomly every tick

    there is text to keep track of the number of instances, and the remaining vram

    I used fraps to keep track of frame rate

    here are the results:

    up to 1000 instances of the sprite(60 frames per second)

    at 1000 instances the frame rate drops immediately to 30 frames per second

    at 2000 it begins to drop slowly and by 2300 its around 20

    after 2500 instances it goes to 15 and drops steadily

    on a blank project of construct I have 252.2 vram remaining

    on this project I have an unwavering 251.8 vram remaining

    as many of you knew, the increasing number of instances has absolutely no effect on vram

    if anyone wants to try this on their system, please post your results and system specs

    I'm curious to see if the 1000 and 2000 marks are a steady point of decline on all systems <-this will track your framerate accurately(for any directx software)

    this is the cap

    my system specs

    athlon x2 4.2

    4 gigs of ram

    vista 64

    geforce 8800 gts 256mb ram

    also, as a side note, I tried the same project with tintplus applied to every sprite, regardless of whether you just have it on, or whether you're changing the tint every tick the frame rate drops rapidly from the beginning and is below 20 before I got to 650 instances

  • I know what to do!!!




  • left click copies from canvas

    right click copies to sprite

  • sorry to raise this thread from the dead, but I need it again

    is it possible to use image manipulator to copy from canvas?

    when I try to paste it, it crashes everytime

  • yeah, just like that!

  • other than destroy in start of layout action, is there one like there is an invisible on start?

  • wow, it's like a hidden feature inside a hidden feature

    thanks again rich

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  • right now, unless I just don't know how, you have to go into an object's properties and add a family first, let's say "blue", before I can edit that family it in the family manager.

    meaning if I go into the family manager, I can't just add the family "blue" to the project unless it's already there

    my request is a little plus sign/minus sign under the list of families in the family manager to add and remove families from the project. even if there is some limitation in cap files where you can't include an empty family in a project without having at least one object in that family, it could just ask you to select at least one object, and warn you it will remove the empty family if you don't.'d be convenient. now that I know about the family manager, when I create a project with the family situation in mind, it'd be nice to go straight the family manager, as opposed to back and forth a few times

  • ok, here's a cap file:

    ok, basically, it's a simple ragdoll test

    you can move around the arms and torso with the blue control squares

    you click ok

    and it spawns physics objects over each limbs and lets them fall

    I was going to add hinges later, but this glitchy thing happened

    this is actually the second time, because I remade it just to get rid of bugs I thought might be random

    I didn't expect to be able to recreate the exact bugs so thoroughly, this is exactly what happened last time

    first, you'll notice that when the pieces fall they don't intersect with the ground correctly

    last time I added custom collision masks and it didn't make a difference.

    next you'll notice in the cap file there is a disabled Blue:Destroy meant to destroy all the original non physics sprites once the new ones appears, on mine it crashes when i press ok if I toggle it back on

    that's the main issue, but as an added bonus, this glitch I am not able to recreate, and may not even happen when you open the cap, but it happens fairly often to me, when using my own family types click on torsoB to open the property sheet, and there may be ASide family entries, like over 10. sometimes when I add a family to several objects it adds that many family entries to each object in that family, so if there are 10 sprites in the Glitch family, than each sprite property page will have glitch family listed 10 times. also, you'll notice that this family doesn't appear in the family manager ( doesn't in mine). I thought this might just be a custom family thing, but I tried creating a new custom family in another cap and neither glitch happened.

  • you know

    I guess it'd be helpful if I isolated the bug and could reproduce it

    but the other day I made like 20 physics objects without the family manager the other day and then put them all in the same family

    and it took about 4092834 hours

    and when I was done, they had all this weird collision mask nonsense going on

    was this because they were square sprites I had stretched into rectangles (not at runtime)

    I even changed it to custom collision mask and did each one manually

  • know what I just realized?

    there's this button that says manage families and you can add and remove objects from families without having to go into the individual property pages for each object, and you can even add/manage private variables effects and behaviors, too.

    oh, you knew that already?

  • There is a find and replace, though it's not 100% finished - but should work - you can access it via the ribbon.

    ? can't find

  • oh, I didn't label it, but also in that resizable part the objects are normally all lumped together but here they are split into categories