lucid's Forum Posts

  • I haven't learned any of this fx making stuff yet, but I had an idea in chat, is this possible:

    [quote:evlok8qm]<loosemib>: would it be possible to make an effect get the colors from one sprite, like a square with a bunch of colors to the left and right

    <loosemib>: aligned so the left column is the "from" colors, and the right column is the "to" colors

    <loosemib>: and it uses this sprite to determine how to swap pallettes for the actual colorswapping sprite?

    using the pallette sprite as the foreground object, but retrieving color info from all the 0x locations and the 1x locations determining the from/to colors?

  • don't get too excited, cuz it's only maybe, and as for when it wouldn't be too soon

    but keep an eye on construct discussion forum from time to time, because I was considering making a mouse plugin that can track mouse movement as separate from cursor movement

    it might also just be a part of the next custom controls plugin if and when that arrives

  • Thx cow_trix, but the alpha is done, and in the other thread:

  • plugin and example cap: (exe versions at the bottom)

    example cap here: (

    drop these in

    the dll's need to be in the same directory as the exe to run

    for previewing sake drop these in:

    C:\Users\<yourname here>\AppData\Roaming\Scirra

    toggle the start of layout events to see 3 different examples of possible effects

    basic, smoke, fire

    runs much quicker than before and looks much better: (109 fps in this screen)

    <img src="">

    actions that have the option of index or screenspace:

    index refers to the index, which is the grid position on the fluid grid (gridsize x gridsize)

    screenspace is the actual location on the screen

    I will add the option to resize the fluidbox, but for now, it's the size of the box on the layout, so you can try out resizing that

    I kinda gotta get to bed, but look at the example cap to figure out how to set up your own simulations, and please please post your examples here, I'm very curious what people do with this,

    this software makes use of intel's TBB(thread building blocks), with the licensing info to be found here: ... =Licensing

    and the source code can be found here:

    the fluid simulation code is based on intel's kaboom: ... demo-page/

    if you are not sure if this grants you the right to sell software created with this plugin, please do not do so. I'm attempting to clarify this with intel, and I will let you know when I know. but I do believe that will be fine.

    and for the lazy folks:

  • small update, unfortunately, it seems I don't possess the skills yet to add gpu or multicore acceleration to this simulation, but all hope is not lost yet

    the simulations I've uploaded here are about 1500 particles each if I remember correctly

    the speed problems come from displaying 1500 sprites.

    I ran the simulation with 150,000 particles and no display and it was about 150fps

    obviously we need to be able to display the particles in some way, but a more efficient form of display undoubtedly exists to find an outline of particles, although greater minds than mine have had problems finding a perfect one:

    however, when limiting the simulation to 2 dimensions the problem might be simpler

    I won't tackle this until after I make an alpha release of the fluid (smoke) plugin, but I have one idea where I set up a grid like the smoke simulation, and count the particles in a given grid space, and use a single sprite which changes size depending on the number of particles, when the number is too small, it will split and be represented by multiple sprites

    also, though it doesn't seem possible without rewriting the whole simulation, which I'm not up to, if I find a way to actually limit the simulation to calculating in 2d that could greatly speed things up. even the 2d looking versions youve seen are of 3d water in a 2d container, so I believe there is wasted cpu time on the 3rd dimension even though it isn't doing anything

    I'll keep you posted

  • Looking great so far. Excellent work.

    Just how efficient is it though? Looks like there's a lot going on.

    once again, not as efficient as a gpu solution, but I'm going to have a look at making a directcompute, or opencl implementation. Depending on how similar they are to CUDA, as there is a open source for a CUDA version as well. If not, I'm also going to have a look at making this one work for multiple cores.

    I can get about 1800 particles before it starts slowing down

    Looks promising

    Is this going to be a pure liquid physics simulation or will the plugin care about the graphics as well? And, will it be fast enough to be integrated to a game?

    it's going to work how the final version of the other plugin will

    actually, that's what it's doing now, those are sprites, and after I get some better container manipulation working, I'll see how fast it goes while other stuff is going on

    also, check it out...

    about the happy faces...don't ask:

    and fluid attracted to a central point of gravity:

  • ok

    I need to figure out what can be done with boundaries, because for now it's not as flexible as I'd like, and I'm going to finish the fluids plugin first

    and lastly, in this demo, the black squares are adjusting to fit around the liquid, not the other way around, so again, the liquid is not reacting to the black squares:

    but look: liquid physics in construct:

  • You can already do that with the big magnifying glass at the top of the screen

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  • Width, yes.

    Chat. I don't see what's wrong with chat, its right there at the top of the screen at all times, you click, and you're there. Certain people use it all the time, everyone else ignores it. I'm not sure what you mean, unless you're saying one less step so you don't have to choose a username, but I'm not sure that one step is what's stopping people.

    Contests, idk. Can't hurt anything, might be fun. but I think 1 hr or 24 hr, or 48 hr would be the best format, I don't see people spending a lot of time on something with no concrete reward. But having it be more official with a specific forum for it, moderators in charge and on a regular basis instead of the random thread by a random user at some random interval would probably encourage participation. Back when they were semi regular, I never participated because I was never sure when they were or which time zone, etc.

    And maybe a feature of the weekly winner linked from scirra front page. It would be good to attract attention to construct as well,since the idea of a 1 hr competition with any other game creation tool is utterly ridiculous

  • yeah

    I can probably add wraparound if you'd like

    but that was the one I used before with the unwritten license from the land of mystery

    this one has more options though, and takes advantage of multicore cpu's

    and has a license that clearly allow commercial use

    but thanks

  • Well, as of reading your first question it'll interpolate

    That makes more sense, though I may put both options, since if it was in the center od 4 squares

    That would be a lot of interpolation if you wanted to have a lot of it going on

    On a side note, I was having a look at how the wall reflections are done. I will probably be able to allow you to add obstacles, but only aligned to grid cell sizes, probably no diagonals either

    Ill look into getting past both those limitations, but it seems doubtful

  • Unless I'm misunderstanding, the way to do that would just be to set sprite speed to



  • Instead try

    Always. Set block to not highlighted

    If mouse over - highlight

  • ...

    New objects that handle popular video game features...

    -Custom music track object... This would allow gamers to add their own custom music into the game themselves by selecting it in a game menu and then searching his/her hard drive, and saving the music into the gamesave file. It should be event-based meaning that the programmer can leave it open to the gamer to set the music for any number of -in-game events that the programmer has left open. For example, music that plays for each level, when a player dies, when a player clears a level, finds an item, etc, etc... whatever the programmer leaves open, the gamer can add custom music for it.


    User Button mapping- This would let the gamer easily reconfigure the button commands the programmer has set.

    You can do the first one thru events, if I remember (I usually don't) ill post an example later. Pm me if its really important to remind me

    And if you're using 9962 like you said, there's a custom controls pl,ugin that let's you do the second one, though changes to the latest version make it so it doesn't work with 9992

    Though I may make a new version sometime this year that works in the latest version,, maybe also with directinput controls as well

  • Action - set text to
