Lowren's Forum Posts

  • For me GDD are good in 2 cases: "big" teams (+3-5 ppl) or big games.

    I'm a game designer myself, and when I was working in a studio we used game design documents to let the rest of the team know how the game work, because we had several developers from different countries, several artists, etc. Also when we made branded games, our clients liked to check the document to feel that we made good work <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Now I am full time indie developer and I make little html5 mobile games for game portals, I never write GDD again. But of course it's useful to make little documents to take notes though.

    Also if you plan to make a big game with scenario, huge gameplay mechanics etc, you'll have to write design documents.

  • Just downloaded the pack, thanks! I was one who purchased during the promotional period and it was good to see that the V1 pack is free.

    I'm waiting for the next pack now ;)

  • Edited:

    I saw by the first time someone using the template, and he was doing a nice job. Confer at the youtube below!




    Hey, this is our game!

    Very weird to surf on this thread and see someone posting the video.

    Also, I used your work to make an other game.

    I purchased the template few months ago now and I think it could be useful for many projects. Thank you :)

  • Hello,

    I wonder if it's possible to make a "gum effect", like this:

    I guess I have to put a background, then a black sprite on an other layer above, but I can not ensure that when the player clicks on the black sprite, it partially disappears where the player clicked.

    Any idea?

    Thank you in advance for helping <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • You can also use the "Pause" plugin here: http://www.scirra.com/forum/plugin-pause_topic46693.html

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks guys for your feedbacks.

    I updated to the game to make it more easier. Now the character can jump higher!

  • Hi all,

    here it is my very first game with Construct2: Xtina Dirrty Run.

    <img src="http://www.pixenli.com/images/1358/1358088734009402400.png" border="0" />

    It's an endless runner I made with my boyfriend. We are two popmusic fans and we would pay tribute to Christina Aguilera, because we love her.

    Kongregate: kongregate.com/games/kingcatsgames/xtina-dirrty-run

    Scirra Arcade: scirra.com//arcade/addicting-action-games/2489/xtina-dirrty-run

    If you want to help us, give the game a great score on Kongregate!

    I hope you'll enjoy it.

  • Hello world,

    I am french game designer who wants to make their own games, and I found in C2 a perfect tool for that.

  • Just make sure you've applied dt in every equation where speed matters.

    Really, I did it. Even in my capx example I posted few posts before... But it still occurs.

    I think I'll publish my game with this problem, 120 hz monitors are a minority anyway. And this occurs only with Chrome, so...

  • The ones who had the 120 fps problem were a minority compared to the others, but we all had the last Chrome release.

    Anyway I think I definitly found the origin of the problem: I just tried to change my monitor's hz to 100 (instead of 120) then launch the game on Chrome. The game works with 100 fps now. So, I guess this problem occurs with people who own a 120 hz monitor...

  • retrodude I tried that, but it can't work. In Firefox the game becomes to slow, and in Chrome the game is still to fast, so it's even worse.

    Ashley I verified the flags section one by one, and I changed nothing. If I deactivate v-sync, the game runs at 240 fps... very weird.

    I read the framerate independence article several times, and I think I applied it correctly (every tick, add 60 * dt instead of 1 to make the elements move, like in my capx). I really don't understand why it's still too fast.

    I have a 120hz monitor. Maybe it's part of the problem?

  • Here's a capx for example.



    With Firefox and IE it runs 60 fps, and with Chrome it's 120.

    I think it's my local Chrome browser too, but I don't understand because I didn't change anything in the flags. I ask friends to test the game, some of them had 120 fps (so the game was fast / too difficult), some of them had 60 fps. :/

  • I tried to use dt but it didn't work.

    Every tick I add 1 to the platformX var (for example) to create the "run" feeling.

    I tried to put "Every tick, set X to platformX + 60 * dt" instead of "Every tick, set X to platformX + 1" but the result was, on Chrome it now works fine but in other browsers the game is too slow. The problem is reversed. :(

  • Hi,

    I'm making a basic endless runner with Construct2, and it's almost finished now.

    The last problem is, when I test my game with Chrome, the game is too fast. On Firefox and Internet Explorer it works fine.

    I displayed the framerate on the game screen, and on Chrome the game runs with 120 fps. On other browsers it runs with 60 fps.

    This problem occurs only on few computers (for example on my laptop I got the problem, on my another computer it works fine).

    I use every tick in my game, I read somewhere it was problematic for framerate related problems...

    Any idea? It's the last big problem on my game, so it's a bit frustrating.

    Thanks a lot!