Lost my Keys's Forum Posts

  • What about a custom pixel shader, placed on a layer of it's own, over the entire game. You've seen how the lens and magnify shaders work, right? Then it would be entirely plausable to have a shader sitting over everything, which either stretches or shrinks in various directions while maintaining a specific ratio. I would think a type of refracting lens effect could do that in some way. And yes I'm aware this method wouldn't work for people with low end cards, but then, they're not likely to have fancy monitors requiring stuff like this, either.

    Or make a version for every fullscreen resolution commonly used at the moment (more work, but if it's so important to have this thing then you wont mind will you?). Then it's up to them what they download. Do a special edition version in widescreen and a common version in regular mode. Embrace it, turn the problem into an excuse to create two versions of one game.

    Or just create your game at 16:9 ratio but focus only in a 4:3 area in the middle. No different to how movies used to be done, when filmed in widescreen and then converted for 4:3 TV's. Use pan and scan to follow events in your game when in 4:3 mode.

    Or use deadeye's method rather than dismissing it because you don't really understand it.

    Or stop worrying about aspect ratio and finish the game first, by the time you've finished, there might be a proper solution available.

    Really there's loads of solutions, but there isn't a fix everything button you can click, and there likely isn't going to be for some time.

    [quote:1g6wm3dg]My game uses a 640x480 window with 200% zoom, meaning that it's displaying a 320x240 game view.

    So that makes me think you're going for the retro look. Deadeyes method sounds like the best one for you.

  • The way I read it. Imagine you've got two layers, one which displays on 4.3 displays, and one on 16:9 displays. Using the sysinfo you check which the user is running in and set that particular layer as visible.

    It'll be a bit more in depth than that, but that's the general idea, far as I can tell.

  • lol, lucky I didn't enter my own challenge then! That would have been embarrassing

  • GOT IT. It's the Quickload action in the start of layout on the menu. Remove it and your game works fine.

    Wow, I'd have never got that. I went off looking at the other parts, didn't even SEE the one quickload event at the start, or would have even suspected it if I had. Nice catch!

  • I removed a few things and noticed the menu part was still there, and the monster was moving around in that, rather than the actual game map. I don't know if that's the cause but it seems to be the reason it's not moving properly. Hotspots, collisions etc. all seem ok to me.

  • Thanks guys.

    I put up a new video on youtube to show some of the new features.

    inkBot: Thanks for listing the problems you ran into. I've already taken out roll for now since I didn't think it added too much to gameplay and caused a lot of problems like you mentioned.

    Lol that looks great. I like the last part

  • I can understand when people try to emulate old style pixel type games, but this is just ridiculous.

    Hahaha. But admit it, when nobody is looking you'd have to try it on something like Crysis, just for ***** n giggles

    But yeah, even I think it's insane lol. Though it's only a bit more extreme than the filters used to give things such as MAME an "arcade screen" feel to things, which does add a lot of character to the older games. It would be nice to have a pixel filter that can do it, for the real retro feel. Could use a toggle event with it to switch between super-retro mode, and modern graphics in a game. Like how Nintendo had paper mario go from 3D to 2D, or the new R-Type game go from 2D to 3D. It would make for an interesting challenge in creating a game too. Add the pixel filter, then try work around it for the best effect.

  • Wow, these are ALL awesome entries! The best part is how creative people are being! Though Mipey had the best use of poop I've ever seen haha. Thats a similar method (minus the poop) to how the robotic mice work isn't it? With the sensors around it detecting a blockage and then turning to try another route. When I came up with the challenge, that was the method I had in mind, and using the turn right rule that I heard works well in mazes (supposedly if you only take right turns you can solve it.. never tried that though, not many mazes round here hehe).

    I dunno about you guys but it is really interesting seeing everyones different approaches, working from scratch with nothing but a maze and a mouse to start with. Kinda like those experiments you could do in some physics classes at school, only far more interesting and fun!

    Interesting idea for a challenge I'm not sure about how useful it is to prove whether or not Construct can do anything - difficult logic problems are difficult logic problems, no matter what tool you use - unless the tool solves that specific problem for you, which general-purpose tools usually do not. By "Construct can do anything 2D", I think we mean limitations in Construct shouldn't get in your way and prevent you from making the game you want.

    I think it's fun, besides you guys should be flattered. Sooo often these days you read about some piece of software that can do this and that, but when you install it, it falls way short, or you discover you need a PHD in advanced programming languages or something, to do all but the basics. Which pushes out a large number of people. Yet so far I've not seen something construct can't do (within reason obviously), and for something requiring zero coding, that's a first, you gotta admit. Then the fact it's completely free. I mean, that's bloody impressive if you think about it

    Even the crowd simulator Massive needs a lot of effort put into it to create an agent to be able to do this, and that thing is built for this sort of problem!.. that and thousands of Orcs..

    [quote:2405opg2]In this case, though, Construct does effectively solve the problem for you

    <img src="http://www.scirra.com/images/mouseevent.png">

    If that's not a perfect example of events being a quick and readable way to do something, then I don't know what is

    Dammit! I thought I'd made the maze unnavigatable for that behavior!

    [quote:2405opg2]I've attached a copy where I just added the RTS behavior to the mouse, carefully adjusted the settings, and added an event to move the mouse to the cheese. The RTS movement has a very decent A* pathfinding algorithm built in to it which will basically immediately work out the optimal path to the destination, then move the object along that path. The A* bit is great, but it seems the RTS behavior's code to move the object along the path is a bit ropey. It wasn't designed for small, enclosed layouts like a maze - it's aimed at wide open spaces with occasional obstacles. So I had to tweak the settings a lot, but now the mouse basically walks directly through the maze to the cheese.

    It's pretty surprising to see how bad the RTS behavior fared with the default settings, it gets stuck pretty quickly. I guess it needs a redesign if I ever get round to it. The mouse also has to be very small and use the smallest cell size available in the RTS behavior, since the walls of the maze mark entire cells as solid, and the entire map would be marked solid with a large cell size.

    Have all the commercial RTS games do the same task, and honestly I don't think they'd fair much better, in many cases they'd probably be much worse (granted, they'd probably need to lower the quality of the pathfinding to handle hundreds of units, but still, with cpu power and memory these days that's not much of an excuse for many of them). I've never seen an RTS capable of navigating something as complex as a proper maze, not without some intervention from the user to "help it along" as it goes. So I'm with deadeye on this, didn't think the RTS behavior would have a chance getting around this maze. I'm beyond impressed at it even reaching the cheese. Not only that, but I watched my cpu usage while it was running a few times, figuring it would be really chewing it up on something like this. Didn't barely twitch.

  • Actually, I don't think you could make much with the application runtime, at least not without a bunch of more useful plugins aimed at the app runtime.

    I think it's one of those features which didn't work out quite as we planned - I don't think many people use it, and it hasn't had much development time, it was kind of rushed. So maybe in the next version it'll either be dropped, or expanded on to make it more useful.

    Would be a shame to lose it. Someone mentioned using it to create a level editor, so it certainly has it's uses. But I suppose the application side of things would be more useful in the DirectX part than on their own? Though if you have to make a choice, focus on the game side of things hehe. I was just curious what people had used it for, had a few idea's of possible uses myself (nothing special, just lil helper programs, or for doing things in an app that I might currently use PHP for) stuff like that.

  • With so many trying to turn Construct into a 3D app (give it up, there will never ever be a simple to use 3D game building program that can remotely compete with the expectation of modern 3D games!), or adding bloom effects (which do look awesome btw, layer effects ftw) and HDR. I'm probably the only person even remotely interested in trying to cause an Attribute Clash look. But then I'm one of those people who once bought a top of the line system, capable of all kinds of wonderful stuff, only to go and use it to create VHS looking output "for the fun of it", kinda like a valley girl buying a stable in her 30's to overcompensate for not having got a pony for a 16th birthday. So I figured I'd ask, never know, someone out there might have an idea how to pull off this super retro effect.

    What is Attribute Clash

    Basically it's color bleed. Imagine you've got your game at 640x480, BUT you can only use one color for every 80x80 pixel square block, rather than a different color for each and every pixel. So if a purple circle moves in front of a white background object, it brings with it a purple box, or the purple box vanishes and now your circle is white until it passes the white background object and returns to it's original purple color.

    It looks terrible, and nobody in their right mind would EVER want to find a way to duplicate it.. would they..


    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/eb/Knight_tyme_attribute_clash.png">

    Note the effect on the players helmet

    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/84/Spectrum_Double_Dragon.png">

    So bad, it's good

    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fc/Spectrum_Altered_Beast.png">

    It's like eating a Kebab after a night out, while doing cartwheels and drinking your Uncles homemade pea-pod wine once you got home.

    I was originally going to make this one of the It's Easy!!! challenges, but decided it would probably prevent too many from entering. I've no idea how to go about getting this look, in a simple way that is. Off the top of my head, I would think pre-made graphics with the clash built in would of course do the trick, but it's a lot of extra work and wouldn't be quite right. I'm wondering if there's another way, perhaps through some kind of mosaic effect that only pixelizes the color values and not the luminosity perhaps? I noticed there is an effect which can separate the red green and blue values, which is what got me to thinking it "might" be possible.

    And yes, I am serious lol.


    Someone did manage to create one, so it is possible, even down to the colors, yay lol

    <img src="http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/2976/speccycastleap2.gif">

    Unfortunately didn't give any code or anything of any use to anyone, so meh *cry*

    Edit 2:

    A version in action http://www.youtube.com/user/CHIPF0RK#p/u/3/yTmmnb3KvVU which includes the attribute clash "feature".

    There is a simpler version of the effect here http://www.redadept.com/zxshader/ however it doesn't do the actual attribute clash effect, and also I don't know how to get it working in Construct.

    Good to know it is possible though! Would be kinda cool to have 8bit style effects available in Construct, being 2D n retro n all that.

  • PMSL! Brilliant haha, and dammit I thought I'd covered every eventuality with those rules too, curse you, another mouse!

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  • this is actually a really cool idea that'll be good to see the vast amount of ways to do things which aren't done all the time nice idea man, good job improving on the idea of that thread

    Hahaha, thanks

  • Seeing lots of mention about games made with construct, but little to nothing said about it's ability to make applications. I'm curious, what sort of things could be done with that side of construct? It looks like it could be very useful, depending on what it's capable of, of course.

    And pleaaaase for the love of James T. Kirk, don't say "oh it can do anything that's an application"!

  • Welcome to the "IT'S EASY!" Challenge, part 1 of 6.

    Inspired from the "Oh it's easy, Construct can do anything that's in 2D" reply that I've seen a lot. I decided to create a few challenges, see just how 'easy' some things really are. I dunno, call it the virtual equivilant to Myth Busters, only with a much better looking host.

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/its1.png">

    Challenge #1 - The Maze

    This is a maze. There is a mouse in the maze and it wants to get to its cheese but it doesn't know how. Can you help it? You must find a way to move the mouse from its starting point, through the maze until it finds the cheese.

    Download: here


    1) You cannot directly control the mouse or guide it manually. It must be entirely event, behavior or script driven, with no human intervention required.

    2) You may use any method (that does not break Rule #1) available within Construct to navigate the mouse to the cheese.

    3) You must use this maze and cap provided, and build upon that, however your chosen method of navigating the mouse through the maze should work on any randomly generated maze of this style and not be tied just to this single layout (so no set waypoints).

    4) You must post your cap and any files required but not an executable. This is so the results can benefit other users.

    5) Replying with "Oh it's easy" is not allowed, unless you also follow rule #4 as given proof.

    6) You cannot move the cheese from it's initial position in the maze, and the mouse must also start in it's initial position.

    7) You cannot go through the walls, or teleport, or jump over, or remove the maze. In other words, no cheating!

    The winning entry will be whoever comes up with the best or most elegant working solution to the problem. Challenge is open to everyone.

    End Date

    Midnight December 10th 2009 (Eastern Time, US)

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/easy1.png">

    Good luck!

  • Well dude, playing casual games in windowed is alright, but when it comes to immersive, story-based games I really think they need to be played in full screen for full effect and to really draw the player in. Imagine playing a game like Half-Life 2, Silent Hill or Doom 3 in a 640x480 window on your desktop. The games would kind of lose a lot of their immersiveness, and that's kind of what I'm trying to get at here.

    Err yeah, no offense but no game made with some construction kit is ever going to be in the same league as games like those. It'll be mildly amusing and possibly get it's 15 minutes of fame like Darwinia, World of Goo etc., and that'll be it. Even then it would have to be really, really good and really, really unique, along with some great PR. No, yours or anyone elses will not change the way people think about games, it wont be the next big thing, it wont make you a million dollars, and apparently it wont run in full screen at the correct aspect ratio either. You hear so many people who are going to make the next big thing, with this, that and something else, and it -never- happens.

    Out of the thousands of games doing the rounds, there's a reason you only listed those three and none of the great many 2D games out there.

    As for immersion. If it's any good, then it shouldn't need to be full screen to succeed, should it? That's like someone insisting they need Photoshop so they can draw better pixel art.