Lobo's Forum Posts

  • Indeed, you did come a long way with Construct. Thanks for your work and here's for even better engine.


  • Thanks.

    Ok, after working with it all I can say is that Save/Load in system object just doesn't work or I'm missing something here. I've used on key press Save to AppPath + "name.sav" and the same

    for loading. It does create the sav file in wherever the game is located but pressing L to load will freeze it or crash it with

    'App terminated, report the bug to team, etc.' message.

    So, here, I'm reporting it.

    For the test, I took just a basic box, made it run around the empty screen and using the same technique from above, saved the game then loaded it back without any problems. Now, my game has 6 layouts and a lot of sprites/stuff, maybe the saving system is not yet optimized to handle that much? Memory issue?

    Dunno, but I would really like to see this fixed because saving/loading is such a basic and expected thing in any game, it shouldn't be such a problem to make it work. So I hope someone from team will notice this. I can send my cap to anyone in team if that can help, otherwise I'll just have to remove saving altogether which sucks as it might be really hard for some people to play it then.

  • Man, that Knights of Cydonia is super!! I wish it was a movie or something, damn!

    This one is actually inspired by an old C64 game called Bravestarr which was based of an old cartoon of the same name. Kinda cowboys with..dunno, lasers and stuff. The game was kinda cool, nothing special but cool in some odd way.

    So, yeah, everything was supposed to be kinda cheesy like that. I wish I could've found some Morricone mods for this occasion (the title comes from Fistful of Dollars and Fistful of Dynamite movies).

    Now, on to the game. I'll check that skull, thanks for report and 'non-dying zombie'.

    For the save/load..this is weird. See, I was running the game from my construct directory and it always created sav file. Now I've moved the game to it's own folder and it doesn't create it anymore, I don't get it. Also, if I try to load it it freezes even though it works perfectly in debugger, both save and load.

    Can you tell me if your save file was created at all? Should be called 'afor.sav'.


  • Ok, here's one rail shooter, made long time ago for something else but never finished until now in Construct. Five levels, five bosses and two zombies on each level to get rid of. Everything is in readme so check that out

    Also, PS2 required.

    Download (2.77mb rar)



  • Thanks ppl

    For the App Termination Error, hmm..it shouldn't happen if that error is connected with initializing all the ps effects as they are turned off. However, I'm not sure if that error points to that or general lack of hardware power?

    David, I've tried that thing with look at mouse always. The game so far didn't use the mouse so with this mouse look implemented what happens is that you do have to play with mouse and positioning is fast (as fast as your mouse/hand movement). However, the problem in my case is that..well, you have to use arrow keys, ctrl to fire and eventually shift+space together with mouse movement.

    Does anyone wants that version? I'm asking cause I find it hard to control all of this at the same time .

  • Hehe, thanks.

    But here, let me answer a few things. Shmups are many and different kinds and sub genres exists and they are usually very very very hard. This one compared to 'standard' shmup is nothing but super easy. Enemy weapons are not that constant compared to 'bullet hell' you find in many shmups (literally the whole screen covered with bullets at ALL times), your weapons do A LOT of damage actually (takes me a bout 5,6 minutes approx to finish this one) plus there is no 'instant death' (one bullet hit-you're done) which many shmups do and it can be very aggravating experience.

    Needles to say, this one is reeeally light on all these aspects and gives player a lot of time, weapons and space to deal the damage. Wait until you come at the Boss who can be killed with your eyes closed .

    As far as the inertia goes, I've seen it in many Shmups, perfect example would be Gradius which is scrolling shmup kind but in others as well. Even if there were rules about this I would probably break it ten times anyway

  • Ok, here's one simple shmup-Shmupius Dei.

    Destroy the eight parts of the ship before Boss comes in for the final battle.

    WARNING! This game uses (a lot of) ps 2 and there is no option to turn it off. Sorry about that all you folks with hardware that can't support it but if turned off the game would look like 11 black squares versus 4 red ones. Needles to say, it was made to use some effects available in Construct so I can see what can be achieved visually.

    Everything else is explained in readme so I won't repeat it here.


    DOWNLOAD (about 5megs rar)

    http://www.2shared.com/file/3729557/e51 ... upius.html

    Note to Ashley, David and others in team. This is not really a bug but something doesn't work right when using transition from menu to main game screen. Specifically Scroll Left/Right/Bottom. Seems like it doesn't affect at all transition between screens that have minor events/actions though.

    In both this game and FDK, upon next play (without quitting the game), if this transition is used from menu to main game layout, there will be this looong pause before things are activated (eg. fire buttons wont work, enemy won't engage, etc.). I used to put about 2500 milliseconds transition and it works well the first time you play but definitely does this weird pause on next play as tested with both these games. The cure in my case was to turn it off and now it works great .

  • Oh..wow..that looks...crazy!

    How does it work for placing into, let's say eyes or some custom shape, with masks?

    This sure looks pretty. Coming for 0.94?

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  • Ok, this is as much as I can do with it as it is the basic 8dir movement. I've removed the extra speed, de/acceleration and stuff. Doesn't feel too much different though, just slower somewhat but it might work, dunno.

    Also, press Space at almost all times, especially when you want to position yourself to face any angle as this key is probably the most useful here. If characters is facing weird spot or just seems to speed up to his own death, press space. Rotation is also as fast as your fingers are, really can't do much about it but in general with space down at the same time, positioning is easy.

    Try it out and see if this one is working for you.


    It's only Exe in there, about 2megs.

    Forgot, press P to pause and Enter to continue (should have mapped the same key though, next game then ).

  • Here's the (most likely) final version with the list of some changes.

    -Mod plays now, no freezing.

    -Added damage for the spots too close to enemy.

    -Cursor is now (in)visible where it should be.

    -Added 3 random bullets below skeletons.

    -definitely triple checked that all effects are Off where not supported.

    The only thing I could not fix or force is the 'CTRL paused' thing if played again without exiting.

    I've no idea why that happens and the only way to go about it is to press that key until the thing starts (sometimes it's right away, other times takes several seconds).


    http://www.2shared.com/file/3699056/285 ... final.html


  • Hehe, thanks.

    Yeah, controls/speed and acceleration are handled randomly. As soon as you get used to hold CTRL+SPACE to break, it's very easy to go around. I kinda tweaked them like this (seriously, took me days .

    However, I have a bunch of problems now myself. I think my game got corrupted somewhere along the way for this problem to happen.

    I've discovered two things. If Mod object is on the layout, regardless that there are no actions to call it, the game will freeze if you try to play it twice in the row (without exiting the game) with CPU usage reporting 100%. If Mod is removed from layout (not just actions but the 'object' itself), the game will play over and over again without freezing.

    However, in this case, new thing happens. Once you play the game second time in the row, for a several long seconds CTRL is not recognized and everything else just stays there even though you can still move around. Once the CTRL 'is back', you can continue with the game as the enemies will suddenly be brought back to life.

    Can any of you play it with Mod, twice in the row (without exiting) and please report whether it freezes for you or whether that CTRL thing happens?

    Thanks again and sorry for all these versions and stuff, it does feel like spamming .

  • That sounds a little bit better and from the sound of it it's a problem with Mod file which cannot start obviously. I had a bunch of problems with Mods in Construct, up to the point where I've actually removed the first mod which was supposed to play in the menu because I had the exact the same problem that you've described. If you can try to remove the mod from the folder (or delete) and start the game, see if that will fix it?

  • Ok, I went through the game and found out that one shader was not set to Off in case ps2 was not found . It was actually the one in main menu. So, I've checked the rest, they're all turn off if not supported by hardware so if you can try this version and let me know.


    noPS2 version


  • Darnmnmn!! That sounds bad. Hmm..can you try something here? I mean most likely it's not that but maybe putting that mikmod.dll where the game is?

    You can find it in ..Scirra\Construct\Plugins\Runtime dir. I've no idea what else, I can play it without any problems, darndarn. Just try this and let me know, I'll check the rest again .

  • Ok, here's one lighter on effects and stuff (almost none), no motion blur-nothing.

    Should be quite fast and playable on different machines. Fly around and shoot the Boss (see readme for details).




    (about 2.5Mb zip)

    Just a few tips/hints

    food always falls toward the middle of the screen so you can wait for it there (use shift to accelerate).

    curiosity kills the bison (to your own benefit)

    'touch' the top of the 'windmill' thing so it starts rotating.

    if you hear an evil laugh, you have about 1 second to move away from the center of the screen.

    Use brakes (space) often to position yourself toward the target.

    Zombie rockets cannot be destroyed, colliding with them takes a lot of energy.

    Conclusion-kill the zombie pilots (soldiers) ASAP.

    Killing birds gets you -10 morale.
