Lobo's Forum Posts

  • Hi

    Ok, I have this problem making mouse cursor in/visible across layouts. I have three layouts, 1-menu, 2-game, 3-game over. I want it visible in menu and game over and invisible on game screen. So, I put in Start of each Layout what should happen-



    game over-visible

    Now, when I start the game, cursor is visible in menu, fine. Click on play and go to game screen and it's invisible, fine again, just as it should be. But then, the game is over and the game over layout comes but cursor is still invisible. If I press the escape, which goes back to menu, it's invisible there as well. Basically it only works the first time for the first two layouts.

    I've tried global var, thinking it might 'force' the cursor to appear so I pass the check with that but nothing. Well, it actually does the same thing as basic Start of Layout but that's it.

    So..does anyone have any idea as to how to really force the cursor to (dis)appear on different layouts?

    Also, while I'm typing ( ), if the game uses MOD files..do I have to include mikmod.dll with the game? I use to see it distributed with many games (non Construct though) so just wondering.


  • Thanks, deadeye.

    With MB, yeah you got the point but now it has both options for on and off so people can choose. In my case, I actually have a better visual performance with mb ON and some annoying skipping without it .

    And, yeah I agree that this is more like a collage or moving..umm, postcard or something. I found that Construct is perfect for these lil experiments as I probably wouldn't have patience or time for anything bigger than 'shoot the boss' kinda thing.

    That pretty much tells what my next game is gonna be about .

  • Thanks!

    Yeah, the game was just experiment with stuff I've seen in Construct, thus everything from physix to some rts movement, a bit of random stuff, particles..just learning this way what can be done.

    Due to that, the game itself is very inefficient, horribly I may say as I had no idea how to do some things so I had to come up with 'workarounds' for every problem which in turn might have bloated up the whole thing. Just like those things you mentioned like getting stuck at the wall and disappearance.

    Inspiration- SciFi/Horror B movies...Stalin...messer chups, zombies.

    I'll PM you the cap but be aware of two things-

    It's horrible.

    It's horrible.

    Gfx are all done in Graphics Gale, using the tablet (makes things easy). Simply draw a shape and fill with flat darkest color. Select lighter color than previous than draw inside the shape again and repeat the process about two to three more times depending on how many gradients or variations of the same color you want/need (I usually go for 4).

    Use dithering in between two colors to 'smooth' them up if needed. Just go from dark to light, makes things that much easier. Oh, and Zoom In frequently.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sweet, didn't even have time to see what the previous one offers and then this.

    Have to check it soon, thanks for the updates !

  • Darn, I've no idea why it won't work ). Hopefully this might work for some people, dunno what to say.

    Also, seems like I can't edit my own post as I would probably delete the previous download links and put only this download to the first post. Soo..if admin or someone can do that~I would much appreciate it .



    http://www.2shared.com/file/3652905/d10 ... final.html

  • Hmm...that's exactly what I did with that latest upload right up there. I turned off in app properties motion blur then on layout start I've put if MB is supported to turn on, otherwise it's turned off.

    I just have no means to test whether that works cause since my card do support mb, it's always turned on when I test it. If someone who's hardware doesn't support mb can test that version and see if the mb indeed turns off~that would be quite swell.

    Yeah, I can also try to add it to menu to turn on/off thingie too (but only if this method really works).


  • Hmm..darn, I've just realized that doing motion blur check via layout or even INI won't work cause it doesn't check whether your hardware can support it or not but whether is MB turned on or off in application effects menu. Ayayayayay. If anyone has any idea as to how to go about it, or..umm, how to actually check (if possible) whether mb can be displayed or not..uh, please let me know. In meantime I guess I'll leave these two separate versions.

    Also, sami, can you play it at all with motion blur or the lag is too heavy?

  • Thanks everyone for comments

    Yeah, I see now that it's really my hardware. I ran that test from some other topic, rain shooter something and I had 11 fps at 800x600 where everyone else reported about 45 minimum and up to 70-100fps .

    Also, I've put this new file which basically check on layout start if motion blur is supported and if not then it turns it off so you should be able to play regardless. This is just so I don't have to have two different downloads. So..anyone out there who's card doesn't support mb, can you check this file and see if that works.

    All I did was to put something like -

    Start of Layout - Motion Blur supported - do stuff as usual


    MB not supported - turn it off and proceed with stuff (hope this works )

    Here's the link and in case it works then I'll just delete those links up there and put this one to minimize confusion.

    http://www.2shared.com/file/3648199/55b ... atest.html

    Also in this version, I think I've fixed the 'caught in the air animation' thingie .

    About blurring pixel art, first reason would be greed . I saw the effect while testing the game early on and I fell in love, I guess. I think it adds a bit to the atmosphere, kinda like old movies being all blurry and smudged or at least that's how it kinda looked to me. Another reason would be since I have jitter effect while character is running is that MB somewhat hides this so I left it like that.

  • Ok, for all who can't play it with motion blur, here's the version without it ~

    http://www.2shared.com/file/3646411/75a ... mboff.html

    Hope this works .

  • Thanks guys.

    From what you report seems like my hardware sucks which is good and bad news at the same time.

    Also, no I'm not from Russia but it just happened that during the tinkering with Construct I was listening to this band, Messer Chups (they're Russian) so that spawned the whole 'idea'.

    Graphics are all mine too, I do design/illustration stuff for living (kinda).

    Sword swinging, yeah, I know about that one. If you just press the Shift+Control, I think he executes the action properly but if you hold it then he gets stuck like 'floating' in the air.

    I'm not so sure about that bug, was the character looking like that all the time (through the game) or just at that particular moment? Also, did it happen again if you quit (press Escape in game) and then try again?

  • Hi

    First of all, hi to everyone and big thanks to Scirra people for Construct, it's really damn cool. I never tinkered with similar programs but this one really got me by the..umm..beard.

    Now, I've no idea how (trial and error probably) but I've managed to put this game together so hope you enjoy it (it's super short though).


    http://www.2shared.com/file/3652905/d10 ... final.html

    about 5Mb zip^^

    Also, my hardware is not the latest so I notice some hiccups when character runs even though it constantly reports about 45-55 fps or more. Oddly, in debug mode, there are no stuttering as it runs super smooth so I guess that made me throw so much at the game.

    If any of you experience the same slowdowns (or some other), please let me know as I'm interested in comparing results (which depending on the outcome might mean that my next game will be Red box vs Blue circle ).
