lkajr's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • I thought it was just me, I restarted my Router a couple of times.

  • rexrainbow I am using your plugin I have 2 computers, one is connected via Wired to router the second is connected via Wireless to a second router connected to the main via cable. if you got that...

    1. I have server on the First one runnng

       1a. It gives me 3 IP addresses (not sure which to use) I used the first

    2. I started Chat on my first computer (OK)>>

    3. I started Chat on Second computer (OK) >>

    4 When I Send on Either I get the chat to the other :)

    2 (TWO) Questions Plz

    1. Why do I get 3 IP numbers?

        I Assume it is my A.Computer B.Router 1 C. Modem/Router

    Is this a Correct Assumption?

    2. When the 'Text Box' fills whith the Chat I does not scroll and I can no longer Send/Receive to the 'Text Box'.

    How can I get it to scroll the chat in the 'Text Box' to keep it going?

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  • Can anyone tell me why I'm getting that '0' at the beginning?

    Something to do with The 'first' range Value

    If it is from 0 to 10 you get


    If it is range 1 to 10 you get


    Just a little quirk i noticed, unless that is what you meant to do...

  • I cant get Unity to run on my PC x64 so, for me, That would be Bad.

  • Well Are you Making a GWEN C2 plugin, I was so impressed with the features that I overlooked it was a Classic plugin. I would like to get it if you do. Keep the Payment in support of your work but I would like to get a copy or Gwen if you make it for C2, Thanks for pointing out it was for classic, I just did a search and did not realize it.

  • You Consider doing a tut for fishing mechanics?

  • I wanted to make an Ocean with waves and a Palm tree that was swaying in the breeze with the Shadow that was in Sync with the tree.

    Here is what I came up with using the WebGL Shader and Sine Behavior.

    Enjoy! May spark some Ideas. -TJ

  • Yes, thanks, I am working on some solutions to post when I get them working properly. Appreciate the input.

  • I had this Question too, Thanks for asking ... and answering

  • I was doing a search and could not come up with much Effects created to look like Weather, such as Rain, Snow, Wind, Fog and such.

    I was hoping if anyone had any solutions or is close on working any of this in anything they are creating with C2 this could be a great spot to post it.

  • I am a New C2 Dev, I am impressed with the work you have put in to develop this plugin. I dont know all the capabilities but to show my support I have purchased the plugin. Looking forward to future upgrades, Skins.

    Great Work!

  • I have an example that is rather questionable in their direction. Star Wars Galaxies (RIP) had some fun story lines and decided to change their combat system to better add content 'down the line' too many people liked what they had grown to be used to, no leveling went by skill sets to further their characters, but lets not go there, it is a sensitive subject... NOW, they Have SW: The Old Republic and went to something that is Story driven but lacked in the end game content, now furiously trying to add content fast enough to keep their player base. I guess if you run out of a good story it is not a good thing and the life of that type of game can be fast and furious for a short period and burn out quick because it just burns out the Story too fast.. IMHO

  • I may be off but you could use a,

    system everytick if(ammo >= 0)then ammo = 0

    to prevent going into the negative on that variable from firing if you are out of ammo. that less than or equal to equation messed me up on some debugging before. (yesterday, lol)

  • Greeting.

    I am known as TJ to my friends. I hope to include many of you in the future in that category, just respond to any of my Posts with "Hello TJ." and I will know you read this Intro.

    I would like to research and try my hand at creating a Iso Indie Game. I am sure I can find plenty of Beta Testers when the time comes. Any info, tutorials that anyone might know of would be helpful, and, YES I did purchase "The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art" Manual when I purchased C2. I took time out from reading it to make this Post. <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    To All my future friend, Later


  • These were Taken down from Mediafire. Could you re-upload them please. Would love to see some ISO sprites. Thanks. :)

  • 15 posts