livingstone's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Maybe some of them are being affected by the others. Use for each loop so the conditions are verified individually for each object instance.

  • I'm activating the speech recognition using a "key pressed" event. A timer is set so it remains activated for a period of time. When the time finishes, I set the "stop recognition" action and I can activate again by pressing the key.

    It is working and it recognizes speech, but only with larger words or phrases. I want the user to say one small word like one, now, go etc. But it just ignores if it's only one word.

    Why is that? How would you do this script?

    Aprreciatte any help, thanks!

  • I want my game to fit in standard screens with hd resolution, 1280x720. The graphics are pixelated so I defined a smaller resolution of 427x280 with the same aspect ratio 16:9 and I'm using the proper screen settings but the problem is that I'm getting black bars on fullscreen.

    I noticed that to get a perfect scaling without any bars I should divide 1280x720 by multiples of 2 but it'll give me 640x360 or 320x180 which are too big and too small respectively, (for the project) and will affect the size of the characters.

    So how can I get rid of the bars whatever the resolution I choose keeping the correct aspect ratio?

  • Hey guys

    Can somebody give me a hint on how to do the ball physics

    exactly as in those NES games "Volleyball" and "Super Spyke V-Ball"?

    I tried making an object called shadow

    that has bullet behavior and make it move on a certain angle

    as the ball with bullet behavior goes up and then falls while

    setting its X to shadow.X but its not working properly.

    Appreciate any help

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  • Hello, guys

    Please help me with this...

    I'm using a tiled background as a loading bar. I also have a timer and I need to increase the bar's width from 0 to it's full width proportionally with the time.

    It's like when you have to find the speed of an object moving by a given distance and time in Physics, so in wich "speed" should the width increase?

    Wich equation should I use to get it working in Construct?

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  • Hi I'm working with 2d arrays and I want to do something like this:

    So the array contains many types of items but i want to filter to get only the items that matches the conditions and put them in a separeted array.

    It must be done to every line so I'm trying to use a loop but I don't know how...

    can someone help me please?



  • 6 posts