LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • I would like to help, but I can't open your capx, because it has add-ons I don't use. (html pode div) and (chrome console).

  • I don't quite understand what you mean by touch-display.

    These things can be different for different games.

    Maybe this will work. On drop sprite z-order move to bottom of layer, that way the object will be behind the other dragdrop object so you can move the one that was behind it.

  • elafreat

    What you've done until now is make a background, a sprite spawning bullets and a zombie floating towards the sprite spawning bullets..

    I played for three minutes and killed every zombie coming towards me without even having to move..

    I love making graphics and would love to help you when you're a little further along in creating the game.

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  • In touch there is no cursor. And it is impossible to follow anything that doesn't exist. You could compare touch (at least single touch) to a mouse only working when the left mousebutton is down.

    Dropping an object in touch-mode usually means taking your finger of the screen, so all input is lost. You could try to use events to change between dragging objects, but that really depends on how your game is set up.

  • touch.x and touch.y only have a value while touching. If your finger is not touching the screen the value will be 0

    Mouse.x and mouse.y however always have the value of where the mouse-pointer is regardless of if the button is clicked.

    So when making something for a touch device, you should always be aware that there is only input while touching.

  • mchulet,

    It sounds strange, I know, but on sprite drag start seems to (sometimes?) fire before on touch start. But the touch start is dragging example seems to work every time..

  • Works for me?

    Ok this wasn't on drag start..

    But you could ofcourse use on touch start instead..

    Combine on touch start with is dragging, maybe?

    Yep - touch start is dragging works..

  • In-game screenshot.

    Still working on getting the graphics feeling like I want to, but getting there!

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm trying to get a modern version of the merry-melodies-dancing-trees-and-flowers kinda feel.

  • There is a very simple explenation for this:

    touch.x and touch.y only have a value while touching. If your finger is not touching the screen the value will be 0

    Mouse.x and mouse.y however always have the value of where the mouse-pointer is regardless of if the button is clicked.

    So when making something for a touch device, you should always be aware that there is only input while touching.

  • irina

    That is possible using lerp. In the frequently asked questions thread's opening post there are links to some topics with explenation about lerp.

  • There is also the possibility to use the coordinates of the bounding box of the base if that would suit your needs.

  • Tylairus

    Your link doesn't work for me. Probably your file isn't in a public folder or the link you've provided isn't a public link.

    Without the capx though, maybe I can give some advise. You could give the base multiple imagepoints and compare the distance the zombie is from them and make them go to the nearest one. Also you could choose to use invisible sprites instead of imagepoints.

  • Often people use the scrollto behavior on a sprite, but if you are already doing it through events that's perfect.

    In the event sheet you can change the system scrollto action to your liking.

    You can do this in many ways. You could give the player a variable EnterNextRoom and check if this variable is true in the event sheet and change the system expression to scrollto somewhere else in case the variable is true..

  • Just some game-art:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    on the left the main characters from a game I'm working on.

    Underneath a mechanic thingamawhat for a science fiction game.

    And on the right a screenshot from my gambling game I never finished.

    The chips also belong to that game..