LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • you could do it without any condition.

    you will destroy the card on drop if its right, so you'd only need

    card is not dragging -

    -card.x is not startx or card.y is not starty

    --card set x to lerp(card.x, card.startx,0.5)

    --card set y to lerp(card.y,card.starty,0.5)

  • if you choose new project, you'll find an example in the list.

    other options are pathfinding, lerp, the moveto plugin or the litetween plugin.

  • Change the one in the tutorial to suit your needs. Just remove the ai and have the bat on both sides be at the same height. It should be a lot easier to make.

  • just add a for each and each instance will get it's own startposition in the instance variables.

    for each object

    set startx to object.x

    set starty to object.y

  • This would work:

    To create the drop area you could just create a sprite and check if on drag and drop end your object is overlapping the sprite.

    If the position is random at the start of the layout you should probably create two variables: startx and starty and set them to object.x and object.y at start of layout.

    if object.x is not startx or object.y is not starty

    object is not dragging

    -object set x to lerp(object.x,object.startx,0.5)

    -object set y to lerp(object.y,object.starty,0.5)

  • Could you explain in what way you have the events for rotation set up?

  • The example you posted is pretty nice.

    If instead of using the predefined angles you'd set the angle to sprite.angle and just change the angle of the sprite to create the slope, it would be dynamic.

    Like this

  • Solid doesn't work this way. It works in combination with certain other behaviours.

    a simple first way to set this up would be:

    mouse cursor is not over egg - set mousecontrolledgraphic to mouse.x,mouse.y

    but this wouldn't make the graphic go around the egg

    another way would be to give the graphic bullet behaviour and set it's direction to mouse.x, mouse.y. set the bullet behaviour to bounce of solid and it will work.

    another way would be to give the graphic drag and drop behaviour and mak it drop on collision with the egg..

    another way..

    well there are so many ways, but it all depends on what you are trying to do.

    you might want to take a look in the manual to see why solid behaviour isn't working the way you think it should work. It was not meant for what you are trying to achieve.

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  • Easiest way would probably be creating an immovable sprite and attaching this sprite to it with a revolute joint.

  • In what way do you control the character with your mouse?

    Drag and drop?

    set bullet towards mouse?

    pathfinding to mouseclick?

    probably would be helpfull to know to be able to give an answer.

  • Yes, there is, you can reference it directly as I stated earlier..

  • Construct2 has the anchor-behaviour for this..

  • I think you are using uid in the wrong way. A uid is assigned to an instance after it is created, so picking it before it's spawned seems impossible.

    Instead of uid, use an instance variable set differently for each member of the family and you should be ready to go.

  • Touch.alpha

