LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • you have an event levelonenemy destroyed for level 1 that's why it's working..

    for your level 2 enemies you still have the enemy2health<0 event, which isn't working..

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  • You have an action that sets the hand towards touch.x, touch.y every tick,

    so whenever you touch the screen the hand wil be pointed there.. (So also when you touch the buttons on the bottom)

    Whenever you are not touching the screen it will point at the upper left corner or when mirrored to the position the upper left corner is mirrored, for no touch means touch.x and touch.y are both 0..

    You are going to have to work with touch ID to enable multitouch and add an event for the hand to point forward when not touching..

    Also you should add conditions so when touching the buttons the hand will not be pointing towards them..

  • If you'd rather still see them, just right click and set them disabled..

    but yes like I showed in my first picture.. delete all that is crossed out in red.. (Thought that was obvious)

  • put everything you want z-ordered in a family.. (that means main character as well)

    system for each family order by family.y ascending - Move to top of layer

    So in your system conditions you should use the for each (ordered)

  • is moving and/or key down are true every tick, so every tick sprite b starts flashing again and so it starts at the beginning every tick and it seems like nothing happens..

    try adding a system trigger once while true condition and it wil work.

    another way would be adding an every 4 seconds condition so it can flash for 3 seconds an wait one second and start flashing again..

    It's just that if the conditions are true every tich the actions will be performed (or started) every tick..

  • I would delete them and just use

    Set width to lifeHeartTiled.varlifeHearts*24

    everytime you have an action that changes lifeHeartTiled.varlifeHearts

  • I would always go for the tiled background method if acceptable.

    It's just the easiest and the most effective when it comes to memory use..

    One of the disadvantages of the tiled background method could be not being able to use animations in it..

  • Would this work?

    change the origin point of the objects to the bottom and then z-order sorting them based on their Y position?

  • [attachment=0:f03wmgi0][/attachment:f03wmgi0]

    You do understand these two actions are the same?

    set width to 0

    set width to 0*24 = 0

    All the other events concerning setting the width are redundant if you use the

    set width to lifehearttiled.varlifehearts*24 on events that trigger a change in varlifehearts

  • Would using a tiled backround and setting it's width to variable*(width of one life) work for you?

    Doing it with seperate sprites would be possible as well ofcourse..

    Both in one capx:

  • Actually, with some minor adjustments it seems it is exactly like you asked for in the first post, haha..

    Simplified it!

  • My take on this issue..

    Although it really doesn't cut down that much on the code, it only works with triggered events..

  • If you need to have events regarding to different levels on one event sheet it might be easier to have a global variable level and check if that is true before checking other conditions.

    you could also have all stuff regarding another level in a group which you activate or deactivate when that level is played..

    another option would be to have a seperate event sheet for level specific things and include it in your main event sheet.

  • From another topic I recently posted in:

    Here's a very old but working example by R0J0hound

    It's for rotating lasers, but will work for this purpose too..

  • The other events are contradicting the events you want executed..

    So when you want one thing to happen another condition is also true so the actions from that event are also done..

    These are conflicting events - and they are performed every tick, which isn't necessary..

    Replace the other events with events like the above

    leveloneenemy on destroyed

    -add 1 to..

    -set width to..

    leveltwoenemy on destroyed

    -add 1 to..

    -set width to..


    By the way, bumping your thread after one and a half hours isn't really considered polite, just so you know..