LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Well, I wouldn't use spawner1, spawner2 etcetera, but just one spawner sprite..

    system pick random instance spawner - system create enemy at spawner.x, spawner.y

  • burningcake

    Your code makes it possible to spawn at x=spawner1.x y=spawner3.y, so the result is as expected..

  • Updated the capx and added comments

    I'm not sure why you use different bullets for up down left and right, so I didn't change anything about that, but the reloading should be fixed in the way you aimed for..

  • I have a 3000$ budget and my models for the promotional video with the smooth animation

    Does this mean you already have the 3D-models and you are only looking for someone to rig and animate them, or are there only drawings of the models and should they be made into 3D?

    Or are you asking for someone to create the models from scratch, rig, weightpaint and animate them?

    I could do all, by the way..

  • Sounds doable..

    If you are still looking I'd be interested..

  • The 3000$ is just for the promo video?

  • You can rotate a whole layer at a slight angle..

  • You could also use the timer-behaviour and on collision start the timer for 2 seconds and on timer restart the layout..

  • why set the gun towards the mouse?

    you could just set the bullet angle towards the mouse, right?

    I'm not sure what is causing the bullets to be off, but it might have to do with the layer, using mouse.x(0) and mouse.y(0) would solve that in that case..

  • You could use either webstorage or savegame or use Ajax and send it to an MySQL-database..

    Depends on your needs and expectations really..

  • I quoted the manual to show that using dt within physics will have the opposite effect as using dt in other circumstances..

    Using dt has the disadvantage when using physics that the same actions can give different results..

    Exactly like what you said in your first post..

    The fixed timerate that is build in in the physics behaviour makes the result predictable..

    So using dt with physics will probably have the opposite effect you are aiming for, just like it says in the manual..

    I couldn't explain it better myself, still can't, but if you'd rather read my words than the manual, there you have it..

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  • How far have you come by yourself?

    For the stats I would either use variables or use an array to store them in..

    on job completed add 1 to JobsCompleted

    on money earned add money to MoneyMade

    then you can set a textobject to : "Money made: $"&MoneyMade

    or if you use an array to: "Money made: "Money made: $"&,y) (where x,y is the position in the array you have put the amount of money made)

  • Do you know how to make events with conditions and add actions to them?

    It's pretty easy if you understand how to work with C2..

    Add keyboard to your project

    on key pressed (choose which key) play punching animation

    (first you would have to have created the animation ofcourse and import it into C2 with the image editor)

    Add a collision box to your animation (either by the pin behaviour or by setting the box to an imagepoint on the frames the punch is punching)

    if collisionbox is overlapping enemy - enemy subtract 1 from variable health..

    But if this is all too complicated to understand I would suggest following the beginners tutorials to learn how to program with construct2..

  • That would be as simple as creating a text variable and setting it to: Text1.text&Text2.text and then setting text2 to the variable..

    I'm not sure if it can be done without the variable step inbetween, but this way it should for sure..

  • Issue is your arrow is on a different layer with different paralax..

    Here's one way to solve it..