LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Something like this would work

    x > object.x+200

    You could also use the clamp expression

    clamp(x, lower, upper)

    so something like clamp(player.x,object.x-200,object.x+200)

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  • Well it shouldn't.. Haha..

    Have you checked the collision-polygon of your playerbox?

    Does your character have solid-behaviour by mistake?

    Are your animations jerky or uncentered or are there issues with the origin?

    Are the collision-polygons of the floor correct?

  • A playerbox is just a rectangular sprite with a rectangular collision-polygon.

    The animated-player can be pinned to it, so all actions regarding movement will be done by the playerbox and all actions regarding collision with objects and or even fighting, etcetera, can be done with the animated player..

  • you could also use two tilemaps, one with and one without the solid behaviour..

    In my opinion this would be the best way if no other interaction with the solid objects is necessary..

    If interaction is necessary, using sprites would probably give more freedom..

  • I can't have a look due to network restrictions, but would using is overlapping at offset or using a detector sprite in the direction of travel be of any help?

  • "Bases" is an object. You seem to be assigning the X/Y coordinates to the location of "Bases."

    What's the URL of the RTS example?

    "Bases" in this example isn't an object. It's the name of the layer this action should get the x and y - coordinates from.

    This only works for mouse and touch, as far as I know..

  • Instead of using pick nearest wouldn't pinning them work?

  • The addition of ("Bases") makes the x and the y based on the layer Bases..

    If you have more layers than one and the paralax or scale of those layers are different x and y values can get troublesome, for they differ between the layers.

  • You could either pin the objects to eachother or set position to eachother every tick..

  • beginning of layout should be fine..

  • Like ashley says, it has no gyroscope: ... oto-e-1595

    Bumping this thread won't solve that I'm afraid..

  • There are many ways to test if the pipes are connected.

    Using detector sprites would be one, you could check if the sprites on the edges that are open (add imagepoints and pin the sprites to it are overlapping.

    Another way would be using instance variables and checking overlapping at offset and comparing the variables with the object overlapping.

    Even another way would be using an array to hold the grid information.

    It all depends on your preferences and skill in creating the events.

  • How do you create that game?

    First you make the graphics and import them into C2

    Then you add behaviours to the sprites, or you program the wanted interaction in events.

    Then you add the rest of the events that do not directly affect the sprites like the score and time etcetera..

    Or you have someone else do it for you if you are not ready to create a program like that yourself..

    Could be there are even examples for this kind of game on the forums if you search right..

    Yet another way would be to first learn the basics of making programs with Construct2, so you can create a lot of this game yourself and only have to ask questions on this forum when you are really stuck..

  • The pinned sprite should be just as smooth, providing you pin once and not every tick (a mistake a lot of beginners make).

    You answered the second question yourself, for an action is not a behaviour.

  • I'm an "If it ain't broken, don't try to fix it" kinda guy..

    If you were to add more conditions it might be wise looking if using loops, repeats, functions and even arrays would be beneficial, but I like the simplicity of this and when looking at it I immediately see what it is for, all the other stuff can confuse me sometimes..