LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Windows is telling you how?

    You mean the size the sprite is "on disk" as opposed to unwrapped in your image memory?

    No matter how well your image is packed (as png or jpg) while playing the game it will take 400MB of image memory..

  • give the player a boolean variable HasHat and set it to true if he has the hat..

    Create a special event sheet for player related events..

    on that event sheet

    Check if has hat is true and pin the hat to the player..

    Include this event sheet in all your other event sheets, to prevent having to write the code in every one..

  • It will only come on the screen if you have written events for it to come on the screen..

    if you create a second layer in the same layout, there is no need for it to be set to global unless you want to use it in other layouts as well..

    Also it will probably be best to put all events for the pause-menu in a de-activated group and only activate this group if pause button is clicked..

  • Just some math:

    10000x10000x4 = 400.000.000 bytes = 400MB of image memory needed for just that one sprite..

    I would advise against it..


  • sprite set instance variable?

    If the initial value changes (which seems strange, because it's the initial value and is set once) you might want to add an initial value instance variable and set the instance variable to that when 0 is reached..

  • > I'm not sure what you are trying to do here, but if you want to set a tile of the ore tile, you should use ore tile set tile..


    > You can call the tiles from ore tile through the expressions like you use for maintile in the above example..


    Yes im looking for the expression and still no clue.. helpp

    I would gladly help you if I could only understand your question..

    You do understand that each tilemap can only contain its own tiles, right?

  • There are so many ways to do this, you'd better explain what you'd like to do in a better way..

    It's really a matter of what suits you and what do you like the best..

    Either setting all objects invisible or setting a layer with the objects invisible or creating the objects when needed and destroying them when not..

    Putting the menu on a seperate layer in the layout, or making the layer in a different layout and setting it to global..

    And then some..

  • The problem could be the checking of the webstorage value on every collision..

    It is completely unnescessary to do so if you set a variable to the webstorage value..

    And even that seems unnescessary for you are checking the same webstorage every tick and setting a sprite visible accordingly..

    Checking it every tick is also not nescessary..

    Also wondering why you'd use webstorage for this instead of a global variable..

  • The struggle is real ! Do you have any clue how to check it or there is multiple ways to check it?

    To check it you have to compare the variable..

    It's pretty simple..

  • The struggle is real !

    I'm not sure what you mean..

    A big part of learning to program is making mistakes and solving them..

    It's the best way to learn and remember..

    Computers are stupid, you have to tell them exactly what you want..

    If you say:"walk to the table and sit down" to a person, the person will walk to the table, grab a chair and sit down on the chair..

    If you say:"walk to the table and sit down" to a computer, it will sit down..

    if you say:"walk to the table and when you have reached the table sit down"

    The computer will still not grab a chair and sit down on the chair, it will just sit down next to the table..

    If you want it to grab a chair and sit on it, you have to tell it specifically to do that..

    So often you will think you have the right actions/commands, but will find out the computer doesn't understand..

    Solving those situations will make you a better programmer..

  • I guess you would have to know if the player came from Map 2 on start of layout Map 1 or else the player would always start at the exit..

    setting a global variable (or an instance variable on the player) to layoutname before changing layouts and checking it on start of the new layout would do the trick..

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  • Select the player sprite and in it's (object type) properties set Global to yes..


    On start of layout

    system create object player at x=whatever, y=whatever

    but setting the player to global would be the best choice..

  • Hmm I'm doing something wrong :/ ... .capx.html

    That's why I said:

    If the player doesn't exist on map 2, either set it to global, or use a system create player action..

  • - I want the AI to move towards whichever player is nearest.

    - After moving close to the player, I want it to wait if player's busy with other enemy. If not, I want it to attack the player.

    Are there any tutorials on beat em up written for construct 2?

    So which part of that isn't working at the moment?

    you should remove the for each player in the Mode="caughtup" event, for it does nothing usefull and could probably cause issues in the future..

    also the for each player in Mode="following" is useless as is the for each enemy..