LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • No, if you select layout 3 in it's properties bar you can choose which event sheet to attach to the layout..

    If you chose not to create an event sheet with the layout, this will be set to (none)

    You can change it to whatever event-sheet you want..

  • Are these the key-names or are these the values of the keys?

    If you'd like to use tokenat, there should at least be a seperator..

    If I understand what you are trying to do I'd make a key called for each adress/player and set the value to "monster1;monster2;monster3"

    or similar to that..

  • It should be as easy as choosing the right blendmode..

  • As far as I know you can pin an object at any distance, so I don't understand the first question..

    The second question would be either adjusting the collision-polygon in the image editor or use a sprite for the platform behaviour to which you pin your animations..

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  • There is no difference between objects with physics-behaviour and without when it comes to collision-polygons..

    So I couldn't imagine it not working..

  • I doubt Construct2 is the problem, as I've shown you those events and actions work..

    It's all the events I have in the above download and it has the expected result..

    Your issue must lie elsewhere in your event-sheet..

    Sharing your capx or making a screenshot of your events, might make it a lot easier to find out what's wrong..

    But ofcourse you can try another game-making program as well, if you can't get the hang of this one..

  • Do you want to use an external database?

    If so you'd need to request that information through an Ajax call

    This is completely possible with Construct 2, but the database part itself is external..

    Internal you have arrays and dictionary-objects, which you can fill with events or load from project-files which you can include through the editor..

    There are multiple tutorials about using an external database with construct:

    Found using the search-box in the tutorial section

  • LittleStain - That's what I had in mind, but that would be a ton of event lines, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

    RayKi - I'm not sure I'm totally following how that will work. Could you explain the logic flow, please?

    Thank you both for your input!

    No, it wouldn't be a ton of lines..

    My suggestion is almost completely the same as RayKi

    you want to change the frame every 6 degrees if I understand correctly..

    if it's 5 degrees change it to 5..

    System every tick - set animation frame to floor(shipbase.angle/6)

    so if shipbase.angle is 180 this would call frame 30

    so if shipbase.angle is 90 this would call frame 15

    so if shipbase.angle is 0 this would call frame 0

    It would only be a matter of putting the frames in order..

    i added the else condition for you want the frame between 357 and 3 degrees to be 0

  • You're right.. Could have sworn there was a "set angle towards object" action, might be a behaviour thing instead..

  • I guess the easiest way would be putting the frames in order..

    that way you can divide 360 degrees by a number to get the right frame

    using an shipbase.angle is between 3 and 357

    and adding an else for the angles between -3 and 3

  • It's not so much a question of is it possible..

    Your question should be : Can I make such a program/game?

    The answer is yes, if you invest time in learning how to work with construct2..

    There is a manual, tutorials, a forum on which you can ask for help and examples shipped with the program itself..

    If you want to know if the program is suitable for you, why not download the free version first and try your hand at it?

    That way you can discover how to work with C2 before deciding to buy it (or not to buy it)

  • You can use any program you like..

    There are many free programs to make images, so your investment could be $0..

  • I'm guessing you could make a function to do this (that way you only have to write the actions once), maybe even using an array per sprite in a container and having it's values read instead of having to create a seperate action for everything..

  • > Replacing the every tick events in this capx is hardly an effort..


    And how would you modify that capx to not use every tick for example?

    > If you were to set the slider-bar invisible and use sprites to influence it, it would be much the same as the link I gave except for the extra slider-bar object..


    Yeah, expect for the fact that the stupid sliderbar stops working if you set it to invisible.... I'm not sure if that's a bug, or if it's supposed to be that way, but it just doesn't work while invisible....

    By replacing conditions and/or adding more..

    instead of every tick you could use is touching or is mouse button down which would limit the updates to the time change is possible..

    you could use on mouse button released or on any touch end to change the animations..

    you could add an extra variable OldValue and have actions triggered only when value is different from value..

    It would all depend on your needs, but the trick is adding extra conditions or changing the ones already there..

    I'm working with this example myself, changing the object on which it has influence with the scroll-button of the mouse, updating the shown value depending on the attached variables to the object. I also try to limit every tick events and the above methods are some of the ones I've used..

  • Oh the event above only works when holding down the mouse button..

    If you want a click-event, you should add a variable and change it according to what you want..

    Simulate pressing will seem to do almost nothing if it is only called one tick.

    so on click

    system compare two values mouse.x >player.x

    player set boolean variable moving to yes

    player is boolean variable moving

    player 8 direction simulate pressing right