lionz's Forum Posts

  • Still don't know what you're asking but mess around with opacity settings if you're looking for some kind of transparency on layers

  • Sounds like you just need an idle animation? Also just set some up some variables for movement states like 'IsIdle' 'IsWalking' 'IsCharging'.

  • If you link to the .capx file then someone will be able to help with this.

  • What exactly do you mean by 'wrap' ?

  • Yep, I stop spamming by using global variables. In this case, I use a global variable 'Active', which is set to False by default.

    When Key is pressed, If 'Active' is False > Set 'Active' to True, Do Action, Wait 2 seconds, Set 'Active' to False. This will only allow key presses when 'Active' is set to false.

  • If Goblin dies set Goblin_Died to true > Run rand

    Function rand

    If rand = 1-10 > Function Loot_Common

    If rand = 11-15 > Function Loot_Rare

    If rand = 16-17 > Function Loot_VeryRare

    If rand = 18 > Function Loot_ UltraRare

    Function Loot_Common

    If Goblin_Died OR

    If Orc_Died > Spawn Gold

    If ???

    Function Loot_Rare

    If Goblin_Died > Spawn Gold

    If Orc_Died > Spawn Sword

    If ???

    Function Loot_VeryRare

    If Goblin_Died > Spawn Dagger

    If Orc_Died > Spawn Armor

    If ???

    lots of ways..

  • ReanimtedNerd

    ah PushOutSolid, I didn't even know that existed. Not looked into pathfinding much. Nice fix! :)

  • Simulate move direction will only move the spider a tiny amount, you have to loop it. You could do that by setting variables when each corner is hit.

    I would structure the logic in a different way though : MoveToward Spider_Down, WhenOverlapping Spider_Down > MoveToward Spider_Left etc etc

  • I don't see a problem here, what do you need help with? Just keep the functions tidy and all is good!

  • This has been posted several times and I never saw a real solution. I solve it by stopping them when they collide and then continuing pathfinding when not colliding. I haven't seen a real solution from anybody yet though!

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  • Would need a link to the .capx file to assist.

  • Global variables don't reset unless you ask them to. If you 'include' the event sheet on more than one layout the global variable shouldn't change value between layouts.

  • Kyatric

    Yep, that's how I usually set up the scrolling with parallax stuff for my HUDs. Not sure what the issue is that he needs help with : (

  • You called too many things 'Controls' or 'Controller' when explaining so my brain collapsed. What is the issue here? Please link to a .capx so I can better understand the issue.

  • Ensure the Timer object is on the layer that is set to parallax 0,0

    Ensure the Car is on a different layer

    Ensure that the Timer object does not have scroll to behaviour

    Ensure that the Car has scroll to behaviour

    Ensure that you are not just walking off the edge of the layout

    If this doesn't work then you'll need to link to a .capx as you did something random :)