lionz's Forum Posts

  • Is this using the multiplayer object or something else?

  • I've worked on a Rollercaster Tycoon style game, standard theme park - place some rides, some mechanics involving guests and research etc etc. My question is, now it's hit a prototype point, should I continue it? Is anyone going to buy it if I push through and make it for release on Steam etc? I'm interested to see what people think about the market on these type of games and should I even be trying to go for this genre. Maybe adding a load of DLC packs would work, or a unique theme.

  • There is a rexrainbow plugin for system date and time where I think you can calculate how much time has passed or if it has passed 00:00 and then on loading the app it would decide whether the variable needs to be reset.

  • If there were game breaking bugs with the C2 features that are present in your game and are now fixed in later versions of C2 then yes, otherwise I don't see why you would need to update your game unless you were adding something to it.

  • Although it's a little messy in that capx the array is probably the best way to store the positions that the enemy is going to move to. This way you can just store where the player has moved easily and then every few seconds have the enemy move into the same positions.

  • I wouldn't make a habit out of spamming the forums, especially on new years eve haha What's wrong with that method?

  • I usually just toggle it off with a global variable, touch only works while global =1, set it to 0 when the other thing is happening.

  • Yeah on my toggle off event I have 'is between 359 and 360 degrees.' It then stops at 359.9999. But you can of course add an event there to set it exactly to 360 on the toggle off.

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  • There might be an easier way but if I had to do it I would just rotate it clockwise 1 degree every tick and then toggle it off when it comes back round to 360.

  • Well the important event is missing from the screenshot, what's the enemy death logic? My guess is you could have enemy health = 0 then destroy instead of less than 0 or some other reason in that area. Looks like it skips the death and carries on taking damage into the negative health.

  • Oh I see what you want it to do now, I was using family instance variables. Yeah you don't need a for each, just if family is overlapping switch and switch ID matches block ID then set to true.

  • it's the Else you're using wrong, it should all be in one event. Have the ForEach at the top of the event, then in 2 subevents (press S) have the first section and the else section. ... .capx?dl=0

  • The picking is a bit off there. The logic you need will be :

    For each objects

    Objects is overlapping TriggerSprite

    Objects.ID = TriggerSprite.ID

    Set bool true


    Set bool false

    Obviously the family and trigger sprite are interchangeable depending on if you really have to check against the trigger sprite's variable and not the family.

  • No problem.

  • You haven't picked any nodes so it will always go to the one node, usually the one with lowest UID or that was created first. To pick a random one in this case it would be something like Movement = 1 - Pick random instance of WalkNode - Find path to WalkNode.X, WalkNode.Y.

    Also I don't know what you want exactly in your game but based on that logic your Sprite is going to be getting told to path to new nodes on the way to other nodes. You might want to try using On Arrived with your logic if you want them to move to a node first before finding a new one.