> I was thinking of something :
> - Put on your scene a few invisible obstacles that you can activate/desactivate.
> - Every time an object has to find its path, chose randomly a random number of obstacles to activate. This will create for every object a different path to choose from. One path is calculated, disable active obstacle and apply the same process to the next object
> - Of course, you'll have to place your invisible obstacles on stage so that they won't create dead end where an object can be stuck.
> I didn't give it a try but this may be worth trying
Having trouble doing this... After assigning a round(random) number to the pathfinding object on creation, I add obstacles to it depending on what number it was assigned and then find a path. After finding the path it just goes straight through everything toward the destination :/ Any ideas?
Whenever the obstacles change you need to regenerate obstacle map.