lionz's Forum Posts

  • Does it have platform behaviour? If so, it should be on the ground. If you've used the pathfinding behaviour that is more for 8-direction top down style game. If you need more specific help you'll have to show us what you've done.

  • The issue isn't really about it running once, more that it's just not keeping the values because 'turns' changes and it looks like you are restarting the layout? You could do something like create a bunch of global variables for the questions i.e Q1, Q2, Q3. and then set Q1 to 0 by default, 1 if correct or 2 if wrong. Then you could say for ico1 set animation frame to Q1, for ico 2 set animation frame to Q2. So it will be 0 at the start (an X) then if you get Q1 correct it will set animation frame to 1, if Q 2 is wrong, it sets animation frame to 2 etc, using example animation frames. There are loads of ways you can do this.

  • Most events are checked every tick even if you don't add 'every tick'. It doesn't affect performance.

  • Pathfinding to location if using 8-dir, the 'stubbornness' will be some bugs that need to be ironed out. You could set player to bullet and move at angle toward location but sounds like you are doing an RTS which will work fine with pathfinding. Projectile attacks again use bullet behaviour with set angle toward enemy. If you need any assistance with bugs then feel free to send me capx.

  • Export in what format?

  • Interesting comic, not much of a game but I guess it's not meant to be You should look into making a point and click adventure game!

  • What you're trying to achieve will be possible but it's difficult to understand the intricacies of the game and where collisions take place from your description alone. An example game or sketch or something would be better so we can see what the game looks like. You mention that you use bullet and platform but the bricks flying off sound like they are using physics. Yes you can check for collisions of one brick and change the direction of the bottom brick.

  • I'm on latest version and it looks fine. Do you mean on the tilemap bar? Have you enabled it? Do you mean you tried loading a tmx file and the tiles aren't showing? Do you mean you can't see the tiles when painted on the tilemap object in the layout?

  • The example provided is correct because the x - 1 guarantees that they are descending in order and never numbers that are next to one another. Did you try it? Your own example is incorrect : random 0,30 would never generate 30, it's generate x to y, but not y.

  • ... layers-bar

    You right-click in the layers bar to bring up options for adding layers.

  • + button on the layers bar

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  • Yeah there's something in the Unity asset store called Playmaker, which allows you to create games but as you would expect it is more limited than if you just used UnityScript. It uses events similar to Kismet in Unreal, a visual graph with events that link together, where the code is hidden underneath.

  • If exporting for iOS using xcode there is something you can do with background capabilities but it's kind of messy. Within construct I don't think you can do anything.

  • NaN is usually where you are trying to store the wrong data type, so i.e. trying to store text in a number variable. Look for some quotation marks that are in the wrong place, i.e. set score to "0" instead of 0.

  • 1 - I would do this by giving the AI an instance variable called 'state' and on created set the 'state' to 'moving'. Then have pathfinding logic if AI state is 'moving'. This also helps with 3 and 4.

    2 - Have a global variable that counts up every x seconds. When you spawn an AI, subtract the price from the global variable

    3 - It depends how they are fighting, if it's done by overlap you can say if 'state' is 'fighting' and not overlapping an AI, then set state to 'moving' i.e. continue pathfinding

    4 - You could detect distance between ranged AI and an enemy or have an invisible sprite around the enemy and detect an overlap of ranged AI and the sprite, then stop pathfinding, set the ranged AI state to 'attacking' instead of 'moving'

    They are just generic answers and you will likely come across bugs because tower defense can be complex with the logic.