lionz's Forum Posts

  • I can take a look but I can't find a download link, just lots of adverts and nowhere to download from.

  • you could add to a variable every second until it hits 20 but I feel like this is accomplishing the same thing.

  • I don't think anyone can help you with that other than construct staff so this is probably in the wrong place.

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  • Object > Pick top/bottom

  • Our roguelike platformer is well underway. Just me and an artist doing the indie thang.

  • The issue may be the scope of your game. What you're describing in the original post requires a certain initial approach and a certain expected knowledge of what you're doing in code. There is a significant difference between making a mobile game or infinite runner where you tap the screen and an RPG with an inventory system where you randomly unlock items during a game and need to store these values. Usually you would need to know how to use arrays for this type of game. As you move into save slots and storing this data you may find that you have too many things going on and too many variables just because of the initial approach you took.

    Before you can do this :

    2) - Once the Player UNLOCKED an item, ONLY THEN The specific item can appear in a future "RUN" randomly like the rest of the items.

    You need to push unlocked items to an array of all available items. They can then be picked from an array in future runs like with my examples above. You look at the array or list of items and pick one.

    Your function for changing item was picking a random number.

    This should become picking a random number which relates to an item in an array.

    Arrays will give you more control over what items are available in the game if you are doing something such as 'runs' where things unlock and applying stats to the item that was chosen, but that's partly just my opinion on how to approach this.

  • Sure I can break down a few more of the ideas i was trying to put across.

    Firstly, 0 will be present in the array always unless you change 0,0 and pushing 'adds' to the array, so you do not need to push an empty item, 0,0 is just 0.

    floor(random(1,array.width)) is to choose an item.

    When you push those items to a 1,1 array you will notice that the first item is at 1, because 0 is populated by 0, that's why I choose to start from 1, however the 0 still counts towards the width.

    array.width is indeed the number of X or items in the array however random does not include the second number, it is up to but not including the high range value (see manual). So if you pushed 3 items to the array, the width is 4 but the items are at 1,2,3. Because it would now pick from 1-4 not including 4 then random(1, array.width) works fine for any number of items. random(1,4) picks from 1 - 3.9. floor rounds whole numbers down hence 1-3. This is an explanation of why I used this however you can just assume floor(random(1,array.width)) will always work if you want.

    As for grabbing the item since it's important i'll have to explain it more in depth. When you choose an item you are setting an int variable, lets call it 'int' to floor(random(1,array.width)). Let's say the result is 2.

    Now you set a TEXT variable, lets call it 'pickedItem' to,0).

    This means according to your example. TEXT would now be (assuming you have removed redundant NO_ITEM as mentioned above) "Rock_Helmet". Now you have this text variable to play with.

    You now say delete,0) which will remove "Rock_Helmet" i.e. it cannot be picked again, resolving that you wanted to remove an item from being picked again.

    Remember the array is only for storing what items are to be picked, anything else for the item can be on the event sheet. So you could now say if pickedItem=Rock_Helmet then equip it. Or set currentItem to pickedItem. Whatever you want to do. If it was to appear in the level as a pick up you could say set pick up type to pickedItem. If it was to set an anim you could say set animation to pickedItem and it would appear as a Rock_Helmet. To summarise, all this is doing is replacing your ITEM_NUMBER with a text variable called pickedItem which = the name of the item, but has also allowed for picking a random item.

    Edit: I just saw that you wanted NO_ITEM to be a default weapon, well it won't be picked right so i'm not sure why it would be in the array, but if you want to pick it then set 0,0 to NO_ITEM, do not push.

  • This looks very convoluted now and I'm not sure item_found global variable can apply to a specific item. This is the time to move onto the array, but i'll guide you through it.

    Set the array size to 1,1,1.

    At start of game push to the back of X all items in your game, so it will look like this :

    push back "helmet" on x axis

    push back "sword" on x axis

    push back "shield" on x axis

    Now you have a list of items where helmet is 1,0. Sword is 2,0. Shield is 3,0. Do not think of arrays as scary, look in debug mode and you will see it as simply a list of items.

    To pick at random you run the action to set a variable to floor(random(1,array.width)), this will pick a number from 1 to 3 including 3.

    The number that is returned you can then grab the data by setting a text variable to array at (variable,0). So if it is 2,0 you can now reference the "sword" at variable,0 of the array.

    Delete x,y (variable,0) from the array. This deletes the item at 2,0.

    Now next time you come to pick a random item, sword is not there. Helmet is at 1,0. Shield is at 2,0. When you run the random command it will pick either 1 or 2. This is all visible in debug mode, you can see the items as they are removed.

    I would play around with that. Obviously as well as removing you can reference the item so 'variable' from the random command is "sword". You can use this to compare, i.e. if variable=sword then create sword in the level or equip sword.

    Let me know if you have any problems.

  • Give it a much higher 'deceleration'

  • Run it in debug mode to see what is happening with the global variable, should be able to tell you what's going on with the values. If you could make the video again with it in debug mode and global var visible and also show where you've put the image point on the player then we might be able to work something out. The waiting for 2 second action is not the best way but it could still work with that so there might be another problem.

  • You can add a variable to food items that are placed, like a boolean set to true if it is placed. Then on the arrow keys for changing animation you add a condition, placed=false. The arrows then only affect the one next to the arrow.

  • Hey, I would do this by using system 'Pick overlapping point' with water and the player imagepoint. You can put an image point on the player's head and say if water (object) is overlapping player.imagepointx, player.imagepointy then run the drowning mechanic else set breath to full. Instead of an else you could also use the same event and invert it, if water(object) is not overlapping player at imagepoint on the head. So if he is overlapping the water but has jumped out (his head is not overlapping) then he should breathe again.

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  • In my game when you unlock a rare item that can now randomly appear in game, it is added to the array of items. Just realised from the way you've set it up you may need variables for each item, so item1=0 or 1, item2=0 or 1. That way you can save the variables. You may have a long list of variables though if there are lots of items, that's why an array is useful.

    Saving, you can use system save action that saves the 'state' of the game kind of like a restore of the game at that exact point. Or you can use local storage which stores data and variables, seen here