lionz's Forum Posts

  • Hi, you can use another variable on the object to identify it as a player. For example, in events if object.char=1, set the rest of the variables to a,b,c etc. If object.char=2, set the rest of the variables to d,e,f etc. You can also then refer to specific character types elsewhere in conditions like this, where object.char=1 is always character type 1.

  • It's not clear why you find true/false options unsuitable for a bool, but yes you can say if a variable string = the literal string "true" or "false", or you can say if a variable int = 0 or 1.

  • The default width when you create the array is 10. Set this to 1. When you select the array object it's in the properties bar.

  • I rarely use this object because I'm no artist but I've figured out something, so leaving it here in case anyone else needs tips. There may be a better way but I've done it by comparing opacity, so opacity=100 appears to be anything filled while anything empty is opacity=0.

  • Hi, does anyone familiar with the tilemap object know how to quickly detect if a tile is filled or not for use in conditions? i.e. filled meaning a tile which is present in the level and has solid behaviour for the player to stand on, unfilled is an empty space where a tile has not been drawn.

  • Looks like a nice effort! Unfortunately because the only objective is to grab the pink squares, there is not much open in the way of changing gameplay. I imagine you would just spawn another 2 pink squares and grab those, a relaxing game in the end but nothing challenging. Then the pink squares move with the background and another set form on a random (x,y) within certain grabbable limits. I guess the speed at which you grab the pink squares could be a time based game. You could add a mechanic where if you grab the pink square too quickly then you 'slip' off it and have to grab it again. You could also add something where you need to grab either the L or R first or you fail, that would keep the player focused.

  • Hey, you mention $14 an hour a bunch but how much artwork can you make in that hour, how long would it take to make a spritesheet for a character animation similar to what you posted such as the man from 2 months ago? Thanks

  • Yeah so you must not be overlapping the object at that point when you move in to hit the object, and by overlapping I mean the collisions are overlapping not the visible object. As mentioned above check your collision but you knew that was a bit off anyway as seen in original post! :P

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  • It's not a bug, if you apply bound to layout to the bird and let it move every tick to self.x+10 you will see it move across the screen and get 'stuck', this is not stuck but simply bound to the layout. The action wants it to continue out of the layout but the behaviour stops this, the same happens when you apply physics, the physics wants to push the bird out of the layout but the bound to behaviour stops this again.

    For the other question, you could disable collision of the object until it is in the layout. There is an object condition 'is outside layout', you use that to disable collision, then you use the same condition inverted so technically 'is in layout', you enable the collision of the object. This would see it drop through the border wall.

  • I don't think so. Bound to layout doesn't mean bounce off layout.

  • This is what the behaviour does by default anyway, the Y velocity increases over time as the ball falls. Example gameplay might be have the ball drop at a steady speed which increases on every respawn? For that you set the velocity to say 100, then next time it respawns set velocity to 200 and you'll see a difference. If you are looking to do something specifically then please let me know but what you are describing is how the physics behaviour works.

  • The source image uses the memory. The size of the sprite object in the layout doesn't change anything.

  • Well what are you trying to do, bounce it off the sides? Create a sprite border with physics behaviour to bounce off, don't use the edge of the layout.

  • I would just say player is overlapping object, and attack anim is playing, then play object breaking animation. It sounds like you've already done that here so I don't fully understand the problem.

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