lionz's Forum Posts

  • I like it ^^

  • With either 8-direction or tile, you would compare the x and y of the enemy to the player and based on this side 'simulate control' toward the player. Because you're using 4-direction only it's not really clear what you want the movement focus to be on, if it should just run left across the screen and then down or down and meet the player y and then left towards the player, but you can order the logic so it chooses one direction first. That seems the most suitable for what you are trying to describe.

    Pathfinding may also be suitable, you do enemy find path to player, on path found move along path and disable diagonal movement.

    With the bullet behaviour you would use set enemy angle toward player but it would move at diagonals toward the player.

  • If you are designing it so it's a high score per level then yes it's a variable per level as you would need to show the high score for each level, right?

  • You would only need 2 global variables, a level score and a total score.

    When you finish level 1, level score = 50, total score = 50

    finish level 2, level score = 100, total score = total score + level score, so 100 + 50 = 150

    finish level 3, level score = 150, total score = total score + level score, so 150 + 150 = 300

    You just add the level score to total at the end of each level.

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  • I don't think it matters too much although it's more difficult to track what's going on with 'time' than if you assigned a timer behaviour to the bomb. You are basically saying on it becoming activated calculate some time from that point, well you can do this with a timer behaviour and track it on each bomb. I can't think of a more obvious use for a timer behaviour than a bomb :D Also I should note the timer is affected by timescale so when you are trying to pause the game it will stop the timer and resolve that issue for you.

  • Yes it's object.timer.currenttime("timer name")

  • You alter the idle timer in the device settings. It's possible to override the idle timer if you are coding an application from scratch but generally people advise against it.

  • There is a timer behaviour. You assign it to the bomb and say when bomb is activated, trigger once, start timer.

  • Keep pressing the down key if you want to have a panic attack.

  • Yes there are lots of construct games on Steam.

  • Yeah what plinkie is saying is 3 Variables

    • Lives
    • Score
    • Score2

    Everytime you gain points make it add to both Score and Score2. Then make a seperate event When Score2 is equal or greater to 30,000 subtract 30,000 and add 1 to Lives. That way Score2 will always be somewhere between 0 and 30,000 but the main Score variable is always increasing and indicative of your total Score :)


  • I find the best way to do this is to have 2 variables, one is your score, one is to track lives we'll call it score2.

    As you gain points add them to both variables.

    When score2 greater or equal to 30,000, add 1 to lives, subtract 30,000 from score2.

    The subtract resolves any remainder issues if it creeps over 30,000 say 30,500, score2 would then become 500.

  • The powerup object has a text variable, there you give it a name.

    The code is powerup on dropped, is overlapping slot, set slot.equipped (which is a text variable) to ""&

  • try on click, set variable to choose(0,1,2), if variable = 0 , spawn red, if 1 spawn green if 2 spawn yellow etc

  • Salman_Shh I have no idea what's going on in that gif but it looks interesting xD