lionz's Forum Posts

  • You can make an inst var = another inst var but you already have too many. How does your game work? Do you need to see the dropping of powerups onto slots? Where are you dragging them from and do they swap? So the text is displaying the instance variable on the slot that seems fair. The redundant bit is the ability having instance variables called slot1 active etc. I don't know if it will work for your game but the best thing is to have the actual slot with the powerup images as frames and set these. It sounds like you are moving the powerup objects from place to place when there may be no need to do that but I don't know how your game works.

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  • I think the slot should be using an instance variable, not an assigned text object. The variables for slot active are not required from what I'm reading. You don't need to say powerup A is active on slot1 by the way of an instance variable on the powerup, you would just have it equipped on slot1. If you can drag a powerup over a slot and replace one then I'm not sure if a check to see if something is in the slot is required either? You could resolve this by getting rid of the slot active instance variables. The slot active boolean could remain if the slot can be disabled so you can't drop powerups into it.

  • If you know in advance what you want to set it to like you are describing here then you could set the global variable to a string i.e. "140,176,136" then on object clicked set colour to rgbEx(int(tokenat(variable1,0,",")),int(tokenat(variable1,1,",")),int(tokenat(variable1,2,",")))

    It may look scary but this is just splitting out the 3 numbers in the string and setting the rgb parameters to each number, where 'variable1' is the global variable. But yeah, this may be the reverse of what you want.

  • I kind of get what you're asking but I don't quite grasp the reasoning behind it, it's for more efficient events? I know how to assign an rgb or colour to a sprite based on a global variable, as for extracting the rgb from a sprite, I'm not sure if that is possible of if it's needed. There is probably an easy way of doing what you want, how does the game work with the colour setting?

  • floor rounds it to a whole number because random can pick any number between ranges and you want a nice round co-ordinate instead of something like 8.74. No problem, gl :)

  • I don't quite follow as they're your events, right? :). Look at manual for random(x,y) it picks a random number between the ranges. When you add or subtract an amount from the zombie Y you are moving it up or down the screen so it will spawn above or below the zombie. If you do the same for zombie X then it moves the diamonds to the left or right of the zombie.

  • Hiya, I took a look at your game and the enemies are bullets that rotate towards the player so they would ignore the wall. I don't know how you want to use the line of sight behaviour, but as an example you can add the line of sight behaviour to the enemy. Then you say in the logic, if enemy has line of sight of player, enable the projectile, if enemy does not have line of sight of the player, disable the projectile. This would create something where the enemy only moves if you are close. It really depends on how your game will work. You can read more about LOS in the manual.

  • Your Y is set to zombie.x instead of zombie.y

  • Do you mean using line of sight behaviour? It should be set to Obstacles=Solids by default, check that this is still the case.

  • The game looks interesting though, I wanna play it ^^

  • All of the complexity is there, it's hidden under a nice UI. The claim that you can make pretty much any 2D game is true. It's robust and receives constant updates. You can easily create a game and export it to mobile.

  • I would advise against sharing an empty file and asking users to make something for you in future, that's probably why there was no response to this. I think you could resolve this yourself by picking a location sprite, playing around with the tile movement behaviour and simulate control in a direction combined with comparing whether player x/y are less/more than the location sprite.

  • I'm saying the sub events don't need to be in a function, you can have on timer finished then execute those sub events from there. The logic looks a bit convoluted for doing what you are trying to do which is to wait for a couple of seconds then move, right? Also when you wait in a function I believe the parameters you pass through get lost so when you are picking the sprites at the start of the function, i think param 0 and param 1 are no longer valid.

  • Cool! I'll add it to my wishlist as a reminder.

  • Yes get rid of all the system events, the timer is supposed to remove the need for waits. As you mentioned, the system event is not per instance. The on timer finished picks the instance where the timer finished, that should hopefully be enough?