lionz's Forum Posts

  • Is it random gen or is each level the same? Your approach seems fine. You can use an array with a bunch of random data and make that data mean something in terms of obstacle type or number spawned. Then when you create the level you run through the array.

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  • You would do if player is touching the sprite and X animation is playing.

  • Yes exactly, you do not need to use a for each loop, the event handles itself. On created relates to the one being created at the time so it will work for any new monster.

  • First get rid of the loop, it should be on monster created, create health bar. The on created condition picks the monster that was created. Check if that sorts it..

    Also the set position logic is a bit off because it doesnt pick a monster. You can try linking the bar and monster with unique IDs, or a better way is to use a container. This puts the health bar and monster together in a group so when you create the monster, it creates the health bar (no need for any create logic then) and also when you pick health bar to set position to monster they are then related/linked in the form of a container.

    Also if you pin the bar to the monster on creation then it's easier to control than set position every tick.

    Your final logic using a container would be something like :

    Monster on created : set bar to required monster position, pin bar to monster.

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  • It's the animation speed, set it to 0

  • I entered an improvement suggestion so hopefully it can be changed to avoid any more users receiving this error :

  • If you use object A on collision with object B then it picks only the instance of object A that collided. The action of set angle in the same event then should only apply to that one sprite that collided.

  • It is what they're looking for, set validity to 100

  • There are different approaches you can take. Mine would be to use the Stop action when the follower is within a certain distance from the player, distance would be distance(follower.x,follower.y,player.x,player.y) less than some value.

  • it's because bar&UI and bar are different objects

  • There's no difference for memory usage. You should use instances though, all UI is using the same font?

  • Share the animation events and the timeline

  • There are demo levels that come with Construct 3, you should be using them?

  • Yes there must be a point where you say 2 pieces are correct or true and pin to each other, at this point you set identifier variable value to distinguish them from the rest.