linkman2004's Forum Posts

  • There's a check-box in the animation editor to turn looping on/off for an animation. Then you could use the "Is animation finished?" condition to check if the attacking animation is done playing. If it is, have the animation set back to standing.

  • We have about a foot on the ground right now with more to come.... If you guys want to trade I would

    I'll take your snow.

  • Perhaps try something like this:

    First, create a global variable called "playmusic" and set it's default value to 1. Then put this code in the first layout(this is all in one event):

    +Start of Layout
    +Is global variable 'playmusic' equal to 1
         -XAudio2- Play music "asdf.mp3"
         -XAudio2- Loop music
         -Set global variable 'playmusic' to 0
    The global variable acts like a flag to determine if the music can play or not.  Hope that helps.
  • It pastes an object onto the canvas, just like it says. The object has to be on the canvas, though. If it's off the canvas, it won't be pasted.

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  • Check the "Global" box under the common properties for the XAudio2 object. And if you're not using the XAudio2 object, you definitely should be.

  • Awesome as always. Just a quick question- do I have to uninstall an older version before installing a newer one?

    No, the new version installs over the old version.

  • I think you'd probably get some sort of speed distortion(?) using that method. This feature should be included anyways considering how many RTS games are isometric.

  • so guys, did u find the way to make a ragdoll after the character's death?

    The only way to do that at the moment is to have a clone of each appendage, and these clones would have the physics behavior. When your character dies, you create the clones at the correct positions and angles compared to the originals, create joints between the appropriate physics clones, and then destroy the bone system and it's appendages.

    It's a bit of a time consuming process, but it's not too terribly difficult.

  • Something that seems to be severely lacking in the RTS behavior is an option to set the max vertical speed to something other than the max speed. This becomes a problem when you have an isometric RTS game - like Age of Empires - where units are supposed to move half as fast along the Y axis as they do on the X axis due to the viewing angle. So perhaps you could have a property like "Y Speed", which could be a percentage value. Just a thought.

  • I don't know what purpose that serves. You can do exponents using the "^" symbol, like this: x^y

  • There's an action under the MouseKeyboard object called "Set cursor visible" where you can make it visible/invisible.

  • Also, as far as the hotspot crash when hitting the numpad while the hotspot isn't visible... perhaps you shouldn't be able to change the hotspot while the hotspot tool isn't selected anyway?

    But it's so much easier the way it is.

  • As far as I know it will support any size as long as it fits in your VRAM.

  • The image is designed to fill the entire screen (so 1280x1024). How does the offset work? I have tried to use the "move at angle command". Is the offset designed to be used to fix some of the problems with that?

    If you want a constantly scrolling background, you could set the offset to the Timer value. Like this:


    -TiledBackground: Set image offset to Timer / 8, 0

    Changing the value 8 will change the speed; lower numbers scroll faster while higher numbers scroll slowly. Also, dividing the Timer value by negative numbers will make it scroll in the opposite direction.

  • Now thank you indeed linkman,at last i really understand how simple it is!

    Glad I could help.