lildragn's Forum Posts

  • Another big thing that's keeping the software back is the very quiet community, peeps seem very hesitant to assist new users with questions... I'm having a rough time learning things because I receive little to no replies when asking a question. It's a turn off, but I'm sticking it out because the product is pretty damn good.

  • > Why is the Xbox 360 controller still broke?

    > It was working great 2? 3? builds ago.....


    > also Information button not working?


    What exactly is wrong with the controller plugin? It seems to work fine for me for a twin-stick shooter I'm making. Granted, this is the first time I've used it so I might be missing something obvious.

    I'll be curious to know about this as well, been having some strange issues.

  • A browser plugin would definitely spark interest, not sure about the iPhone thing due to the amount of work and cost for something like that. But mostly we need some finished/published titles.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Latest build 0.99.85 released (unstable).

    Need some help here cause I'm going nutty! If you look at my .cap below, it appears the the 360 controller defaults to a button press I believe in "A" at runtime, when I was testing out my button presses "A" caused the character to jump even though I set that action to "B". Please have a look and see that State2 is set to 1 at runtime then switches to "0" (default) briefly when the sprite hits the ground, then it sets the State2 variable back to "1". Is this me or the controller? The State2 variable is supposed to be "0" at runtime until I attack which kicks it to "1"

    Thx for any help


  • As soon as I get my bearings I'll be using my site (sig) to promote Construct as I did Unity. I'm also in the process of creating something to help art minded individuals like myself, understand it from that perspective.


  • abhilash2863,

    • open up the characters layout
    • select the lil dude and go to the animation tab
    • right click any angle and click "launch explorer"

    It will export each individual frame for ya.


  • Thx much again Lou, gonna sit down tomorrow with a cup o joe and study this... This is some serious value added to the community...



  • That was really good, brought back some good memories!


  • Ok so I manage to fix the prob (the update is in the cap just above) Construct is very logical for sure, but this solution appears sloppy to me, so I'll definitely look forward to your states/private variable example.

    Ok so what I did was change the Equal to in event #10 to Greater or equal which allowed the card to spawn and shoot... then I just Set the animation back to GambitStand which got him moving again. This isn't elegant at all since the animation snaps to the standing animation. But hey I'm learning

    <img src="">


  • I dug it!


  • Ok can you setup an example with states and send the .cap? So I can see how you would accomplished and then I can try it on my own.

    Thx again for your help.

    BTW I sent you an email through your site/blog


  • Hmm, that didn't do it unfortunately, and I do appreciate your help Lou, trust me I'm working my way up to your file

    Here's the updated .cap file I'm working from


    [Edit] So by using states, you would say check to see if a condition is being met, if not play the next animation? Or something like that[/Edit]


  • Hiya thx for replying. What you're saying makes perfect sense, but this .cap file is a perfect base of what I'm trying to achieve, I've learnt quite a bit from it already, I just need help with the player freezing after attacking.

    P.S. if you know of newer .caps that encompass player movement and combat like this, I would love a link!



  • Hiya I came across Construct a week or so ago, and I'm desperately trying to figure it out. I'm a 3D Artist by profession, who would like to realize a game I had in my head for years, and I believe Construct can do that... I just need help to get my bearings.

    Currently I found Lemmings .cap file here (thankfully) he's unfortunately non existent on the forums as of late, so I'm asking you. When I run the game and attack Gambit freezes, can someone with experience took a look to see what's happening? Would be very very appreciated.


    I also found that you have to open any event with Player %1 and resave it for the animations to work.


  • It took some serious digging, but thank the heavens the .cap link still works! Looks like a great first game, but unfortunately everytime I attack, Gambit freezes
