lennaert's Forum Posts

  • In firefox I have ~5fps gain, and ~5 - 6 % less CPU usage

    Chrome FPS the same, ~8 - 10% less CPU usage

  • It depends on how it is used/applied.

    generally you should be able to add 100s of those kind of objects, but you would just need to process everything more efficient.

    I would loop through their instances instead of every tick wise, that sorta thing.

    But, you won't know it till you tried

    Good luck

  • Added the piggy and the hunter to a family (Objects), select one first (touch) to activate it.

    Added rotating to the zoom action too, all in 1 go

    About point 1 ... I don not know what you consider strange, but I like it



    simply add all the objects which should be zoomable and rotatable to the "Objects" family.

  • After some testing, if you lift the balll too high, and overlapping the wall, it fails ...

    I gave the ball the behaviour bound by layout now too, and it stopped that ...

    So far xD

    new capx

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  • Ok, for the ball and the seesaw, set their physics bullet both to YES



    Seems that worked half, as soon as you drop it form higher it stopped ....

    So I dove a little more into your capx .. and noticed quite a bit of excessive for each usage.

    I changed most to picks and removed some ...

    Here is an updated capx

  • Euhh, I gave it a try, adn the banana just tilts the board a small bit down and back up ...

    The ball just falls a couple inch ...

    edit: nvm, just noticed I need to drag the ball

    I tried it, and it keeps going through it ... seems it happening when its moving.

    I'll try for a bit.

  • Katala, that system for the tile maps.

    I currently work with a sqaure, (in paintshop) rotated 45 deg, then resized to width: 100% height: 57%

    then I set snap to grid in construct 2 to half width and half height of the resulting tile, giving me a perfect snap to grid with isometic tiling by means of sprites

    Does require me to spawn/copy all the tiles ahead in the editor though.

    But works really smooth.

  • Sweet, looking forward to it, should you make it public ^_^

  • Consecutive days posted shows 1 day for me ... had quite a few in a row I think.

    If unable to sum all play counts for the arcade games on the profile, is it possible to at least show the counter from the latest revision ?

  • Fixed, how do I post recovered and stickied

    The links inside the posts were broken

    You need to set the right URL format.

    something like:

    h ttps://www.scirra.com/forum/threadname

    Current links system works with paramters like:

    ht tps://www.scirra.com/forum/posting.php? ... 8&p=739699

    With the paramters.

    EDIT: the links work now

  • Suggestion, have links in posts open a new tab or window, right now when someone clicks a link, they navigate away from the site.

  • The fog of war seems seems to be a definate culprit here.

    Can you try to make the fog none transparent ? (solid black where there is fog of war)

    I believe the transparency might be be pushing it some... not sure though

  • Fixed profile issue

    It seems the games revisions still hold the missing play counts.

    Prolly need to SUM() the column where gameID matches

  • I've had an odd problem with the debugger in chrome where it will come up locked at 30fps. Doesn't matter what tab is up. Are you using chrome? That being said, it's not a common occurance; I can usually just bring it back up and it's back to 60. But a couple times I had to reboot...

    I test on chrome and firefox (and even IE >_> ), both give me near same results.

    I have not experienced the locking up effect you mention.

    IE11 has some nice new performance measurement: CTRL + SHIFT + U

    That will show you frame rate and processor usage without a debugger or events controlling it

  • Firefox results



    core 2 duo T6600 2,2ghz

    4 gig ram

    64bit windows 8.1

    Ati mobility radeon HD4500