Arcade related issues:
On "My profile"
Game revisions show
Previously deleted games show
Apparently, missing game plays (counters) were added to revisions.
I now see my games which I had deleted, of which I thought they were getting played poorly, actually did very good ... -,-
edit :
Forum related:
Button with email friend link at the top (next to printer) :
You are not permitted to send e-mail to this user.
Encoding issues, I think you need to set UTF8 or something, cos several ascii like chars, such as exclamation mark and the single qoute is now showing the diamond figure with a question mark.
Forum linkage has changed, you prolly need to nice-en the URLS
Prolly needs some adjustments in either a htaccess file for url rewritting, or if the forum code supports its, update it to reflect the post names in the links.
Unable to click usernames to view their profiles
From the user information on the left, perhaps take out the time of joineing, and the sidebar with the avatar will fit better.
My user location is not showing up in the left sidebar. (netherlands)
Not sure but I think the post name notification method with the is not working.
At least this :
Signalling myself doesnt work anymore.
Perhaps its an idea to remove the usergroups tab from the user control panel.
Also, Enemies and foes ? really, we want to tag other forum members as foes ?
The breadcrumb links are kinda double up ... you already have the forum link in the top (index) and when entering a sub section, the category name at the top is already clickable. (category/sub category)
Can you place the new links (new posts, recent posts, active topics etc etc) in the template, so it appears above the forum in all categorys and threads ?
Right now when i enter a thread, they change to a way too huge search option.
Od colors mixed with new ... its really **** ugly.
A sets of light-ish blue/green with a dark streak in the middle with lots of orange spots everywhere .... bright blue in the forums .... with orange too ... I might aswell take some lsd.
Changing style in user controle panel to pro silver removes the rest of the website linkage and only shows the forum.
Website related:
I can access the multiplayer test lab, which is not offerng a working server it seems.