Is it me, or are the account alerts showing up a little late occasionally
like, after having viewed a topic, some page loads later one or more alerts appear of already read posts.
I would use as many instance variables to objects as possible.
The names can be whatever you want ...
sprite Slots = false
slots.slotnum = 1
slots.item = url
slots.slotnum = 2
on click slots
sub false (inverted)
set true
sub (to slots active false)
create button on x,y
In the properties. Not at run time.
Whaha, yeah sure .. though ....unless you have like 100s of relatives (clicking daily)... the income will be low
Many game players do not click adds, but they will accumilate views ....
It can take a couple 100 views for just 10 cents
Get lots of views and clicks on those banners ....
Make people play your game, advertise.
add a boolean to the button, call it "right" and default value, "true"
button clicked
toggle boolean button.right
subevent 1
boolean button.right = true
set angle of motion 0
subevent 2
boolean button.right = false (inverted)
set angle of motion 180
How I do it
nah, not 30, just a couple.
I would use an instance var to determine which, and use systems pick by comparison to pick the needed one.
Add a boolean to some object or text.
Set to true after button click, only allow to click if not true
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Put your objects on a layout first
copy it from there, and paste it on the other projects layout.
Sorry, I always use dedicated layouts for all my objects where I prep them.
You can easily copy objects from one projects layout to another projects layout
Add a boolean check, created, to the clikcable vacant lot.
On clicked vacant lot
boolean vacant.created (inverted)
vacant.created = true
and rest of your actions
on start of drag, store, x,y and tick start
on release, compare the x,y to current touch x,y and ticks passed
This gets you the: angle, distance and ticks passed during movement
These variables should be enough to determine a speed for the ball.
You can stuff all your advertising events in a group.
When purchase done, disable the group.
Different homes:
create a sprite with all the homes: each frame being a different home, instead of layering, refer to the correct frame for the home needed to be displayed.
And for menus, just create them when needed and destroy when done