My app is on google play, i use AdMob to display ads, ads are displayed well on my game.
Now what i must do to earn some money from ads??
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Get lots of views and clicks on those banners ....
Make people play your game, advertise.
lennaert Looks easy and dificult at the same time
If i tell my family to tap on ads few times every day this will be working?
Whaha, yeah sure .. though ....unless you have like 100s of relatives (clicking daily)... the income will be low
Many game players do not click adds, but they will accumilate views ....
It can take a couple 100 views for just 10 cents
lennaert Looks easy and dificult at the same time If i tell my family to tap on ads few times every day this will be working?
Clicking your own and asking people to click on ads a few times a day doesn't sound like a good idea. You'll probably get banned by google....
> lennaert Looks easy and dificult at the same time > > If i tell my family to tap on ads few times every day this will be working? > Clicking your own and asking people to click on ads a few times a day doesn't sound like a good idea. You'll probably get banned by google....
> lennaert Looks easy and dificult at the same time
> If i tell my family to tap on ads few times every day this will be working?
You CERTAINLY will get banned. It's illegal and unfair. I'm sorry, but considering doing that is just ridiculous.