lennaert's Forum Posts

  • can also rename it to .capx

    This is what I use too.

    Renaming the extensions from *.autosave or *.backup to *.capx

  • You need to put the focus on the layout (click its tab) of which you want to see the layers.

    If you click layout one ... you will see the layers from layout one.

    If you click layout two ... etc

    If you have focus on layout one, and would you switch to Eventsheet X (not assosciated with layout one) , the layers information would not update, and still show those of layout one.

    Hope that made some sense.

  • Condition1, picks only the sprites on screen.

    Condition2, picks only the sprites on the specific layer.

    Condition3. picks by evaluating only the sprites(in a family) that are above the player.Y & left of player X & distance is less than 150px from player.

    Condition1. picks by evaluating only the sprites(in a family) that are above the player.Y & left of player X

    Condition2, picks only the sprites on the specific layer.

    Condition3. distance is less than 150px from player.

    Try that

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  • hi everyone. my computer isn't strong ......

    my computer details:

    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4440 CPU 3.10GHz

    Video Card 1 NVIDIA GeForce GT 630

    Video Card 2 Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

    Memory 8.1 GB

    Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

    Might wanna look into updating or cleaning your computer if your getting the idea these specs are not enough.

  • Depends on the amounts of objects, and what the for each is supposed to do.

    And like Aphrodite mentions, it depends on the evaluation too.

    Its like comparing oranges and apples.


    Have you tried pick by unique ID ?

    Or pick by comparison ? (without pick all)

  • Hmm, the odd thing is that you have 2 entries where you appear to be making just 1.

    Perhaps there is something else happening in your events.

    If you can post a capx or pm me one, I wouldn't mind taking a look.

  • If your game is even slightly heavy, running multiple instances will take its toll on the server.

    One server should be able to handle like 250 players ... what if the game grows ?

    what happens if chrome crashes ? ... or hangs ....


    Then there is the thing about the signalling server ... I believe there is some limitation to free use. I don't think your intended approach would cover that.

    Well, that was my advice on the matter.

    Feel free to report back with successes or a demo, I'd gladly take a look.

  • It should run fine on a tab 4 yeah, even with physics ...

    Perhaps something faulty ?

  • Try removing the physics on the banana, and just use the bullet speed and acceleration to mimic what your doing now.

  • atm, "at the moment"

    As to your other question, I fear you will get no direct response here.

    The topic had been brought a few times last year, it came down to that the current multiplayer mechanics are not geared towards a self host "Host" solution. But rather using the game mechanics intended use, and have a host be one of the players.

  • Hmm, could you post a capx ?

    I wouldn't mind taking a look.

  • When stuffing things in arrays I always use:

    width: 0

    height 7 (1 for each value you want to store associated with the entry, number derived from your example object)


    in one action:

    Push front on X axis: object.dialogueparts

    Set X,Y value : 0 , 1 , object.itemtype

    set X,Y value: 0 , 2 , Dialogue1

    set X,Y value: 0 , 3 Dialogue2

    etc etc

    The push front, pushes all other X axis up one on the Xaxis and adds one to the width of the array.

    Then the item inserted will be at 0,0 (object.dialogueparts)

    Seeing as we are still at the front of the array with the item we are adding, we simply refer to X 0




    0,4 etc etc

    Where all the second value represent the Y, which are the items belonging to the entry.

    Now, you can reference these entries with Arrayname.At(0,2) (this would get you the dialogue2 )

  • When previewing, use the debugger, check the profiling tab, and keep an eye on the thing that is taking up most % cpu usage.

  • Chrome, hit CTRL + SHIFT + N this will open a second chrome, incognito. Navigate to your preview a address and voila.

  • Something fishy going on there with the fullscreen mode >_>

    If I have my window maxed, its off in the center ....

    If I make my window smaller / not maxed, the centering works as expected.

    I can't put my finger on it whats causing it.