lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Ohw yes .... same here ...

    This can be quite annoying if you have a big project, because I start naming some objects a bit weird just to keep the development process quick.

    Lots of times I actually ponder how to name my objects .. so during development I can type two or three letters to make the object appear in the selection window, leaving me to just press enter to select it.

    Otherwise, I type a few letters, then either tab to the screen to navigate with the arrows keys to the right object, or use my mouse to select it.

    The mouse is annoying, as I tend to use only the keyboard during the editing/adding of events.

  • Why would the loader screen destroy your reputation ?

    You could still add a small splash/loader screen of your own after the c2 one.

    Also, the free version is able to export to html5, these exports can be used in a wide variety of 3rd party tools to still reach those restricted platforms. (Mobile web anyone?).

  • heh ....

    Euhm ...

    You just need to add the controller object to your project once ... and you can reference it in any layout.

    and you dont have to add more controller objects, you reference them in the one object with an index number.

    And .. I've never set it to global ... not even sure whats the purpose for that on that object.

    EDIT: whoops this is contruct classic, sorry, I don't know if this applies there too.

  • Been giving it some thought ... but ...

    The imagepoints are not making it any easier.

    In theory, you would have to loop through each object, in the loop, loop through its nodes (save obj.imagepointx(loopindex), obj.imagepointy(loopindex) ) , looping through each other object, looping through their nodes: compare val closest > distance(saved.X,saved.Y,obj.imagepointx(loopindex),obj.imagepointy(loopindex) : set val closest distance(saved.X,saved.Y,obj.imagepointx(loopindex),obj.imagepointy(loopindex)

    Not friendly on performance I think.

    You could perhaps spawn and pin invisible images on the nodes, and use something like pick closest.

  • Sounds like your looking for Families.

  • Oooh, that looks stylish, nice work there.

    English looked fine to me, but I'm dutch heh

    Loved the little hands moving the stone ^_^

  • Try Construct 3

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  • > I suppose you would want all the export options for free also.


    > Jeez


    No, not at all. I'd like atleast an exe export so that we can actually give our games to the masses.

    Why are you being so critical? ;/

    Perhaps he, like me, expects the next thing you'll ask is a capx example of a full game

    Anyways, the free version is limited to 100 events and no families, lots of people made nice games with it.

    Which should be a good incentive I guess.

    Also the price of this software is amazingly low.

  • Ah, I see.

    In those situations I just add a subbed picking events with references to local variables or booleans

    pick all wheels,

    pick by evaluate wheels spinning = true

    It seems that the OR block's wide, unrestricted options, leaves the manual with some grey areas

  • Its a picking variant, not really picking.

    I did not mean to replace it with an actual picking event, such as pick by comparison.

    I suggested to replace your object compare with a (system), Compare 2 values.

    Its more of a filter perhaps then a picking variant, but the result is the same.

    Its like, when you use an objects compare function, you end up with the objects having the same value.


    100 objects, 10 have var = 1


    Objects.var = 1

    For each

    Placing it in this order, would only make the for each loop through all the objects with a var = 1, and not use the objects var <> 1

    (Loop = 10 objects big)



    for each object

    object.var = 1

    Where it loops through all objects and only uses the object where var = 1

    (loop = 100 objects big)

  • In your event sheets, use groups to name / distinct parts of your programming. (right click event sheet, add group, and add stuff under that)

    Then, when you preview a project, keep an eye on the debugger's profiling tab.

    The groups are displayed there with % of CPU usage, now, this is not highly accurate, but a very good indication of how much resources a part of your events are using.

    So, throughout your project, when you preview, regularly check the debugger.

  • I think that you could reasonably argue that if the OR block returns True then both of the sprite objects should be rotated - there should be no picking unless the True condition was also an object filter...


    Its combined in this situation, normally, if you use the event by itself, object.var =1, then the object would not get selected and not rotate either.

    The correct method of use would be to use the system compare two values, to avoid the object selection.

    The expectancy here is that the object.var = 1 should work as a compare function ... which it is not.

    There is a clear, compare two values, option for that.

  • This seems to work as intended though.

    Your object compare variable works as a picking variant in combination with the OR.

    Seeing how the object does not have the same value as in your event, it just picks the one.

    If you change it to a: System, compare 2 variables, it works how you want it to work.


    If you change the 1 to 0 in your events (not compare 2 values), it also uses the object with var = 0


    IF you copy your lightblue sprite, and give it var = 1 it will rotate too.

    I think this stems from a misunderstood expectancy.

  • Well, you could use:

    enemy.X > player.X enemy is to the right of the player

    enemy.X < player.X enemy is to the left of the player

  • I am sorry to say, but I have no faith in wine's capabilities to port over all the functionality that construct 2 requires.

    Lots have tried, mostly linux based, .... so far noone succeeded with something really decent.

    Partly, yes ... but far from ideal ....

    Certain stuff simply wont work.

    Search the forum for wine.

  • One suggestion could be: when you make a trail image sprite, going to be transparent, make it extra bright