lennaert's Forum Posts

  • lennaert Thank you for your help! and Thank EncryptedCow for the great inventory,He created it for me.One question i have is.Can you make it so when i grab an item from the inventory and i drop it on a different slot it replaces it? Thats really what im aiming to do rather than equiping it.

    It does that already.

    grab a red and orange item, and swap them with the top location.

    your colored items only fit on certain sqaures.

  • various methods

    adding a small random angle to the bounce

    change the collision polygons to always have some sort of crooked edge

    a check to see if last bounced angle is the samme as current, and if so, add little to angle

    to name a few

  • Thank you both,even if its sarcasm your reply is welcome.I really do need help regarding this topic in general.Thank you both for your replies i just wish it was alittle more on the topic.By any chance does anyone have any knowledge on how i would do such a thing?

    You have a bit of an odd inventory to my liking, I implemented a simple drag and drop and by moving them over the equipment slots, you equip them, if you let them go, they go back to their spot.



  • atm there is not, at least not widely implemented and supported.

    There is WebRTC, its detailed a bit in one of Scirras blogs about future plans.

    But its not widely supported and limits to browser types communicating with eachother.

    other then that

    Ajax PHP for slow data text communication

    Websocket, socket.io.

    for relative fast data text comminication.

  • lennaert - I just played KNIGHT DEMO and I had a ball... :)

    I like your set up, but I was just looking for a place to get some feedback from you guys but after seeing your games I'm scared to show mine.

    Nice job....

    Thanks :)

    Whaha, I am sure you make great games and applications, already saw some ;)

  • C2 will always save the image/assets in reserve even if you remove all instances of the image.

    Very true, but just imagine it with enemies, using pathfinding and line of sight. Or defense turrets somewhere or just objects with lots of conditional collisions.

    Optional you can ofc enable/disable certain behaviours at runtime.

    But recently I was a bit surprised; I forgot which topic, but, the OP eventually mentioned applying a trick to decrease memory load before closing the app, he simply loaded an empty layout first which made a huge quick memory-usage-reduction.

    So, the more you have on your layout, (even more so with objects doing behaviours) the more your cpu runs to handle it all, and imo, reducing memory access speed / throughput.

    This type of approach could greatly increased performance on larger layouts.

  • There is also decelleration ^_^

    Use the max speed as your variable (to increase with level etc)

    Use high values for both acceleration and decellaration :)

  • Without this feature expandability of projects and making updates and UI changes are spectacularly long-winded.

    This certainly is a feature that needs to be implemented. I want to add an inventory system but I do not want to copy and paste the same rules to multiple layouts... instead I would rather just include the event sheet or include the layer... Life would be made so much easier if I could include the layer... i also saw no way to control the layer order in event sheets.


    I have an eventsheet for inventory, and an eventsheet for HUD items, which both create everything needed on any layout at layout start.

    even the control panels for the inventory get created.

    I just include the desired eventsheet, and voila, my layout has an inventory.

    I build my inventory sheet like so, that I only need to add certain component to a new project, and I can simply copy paste the event sheet contents to another project.

  • Have a nice max speed, and play around with acceleration.

  • AllMarkMade, set up a sub on your hosting for games, just installl some wordpress and add your games there :)

    Its simple quick etc, and you can build your own gallery/arcade :)

    I did the same for boomtanium.com

    Its not great, but a good start.

  • There are quite a few css/html/javascript tricks to get certain desired results. but they are outside of construct 2, straight in the index.html file.

    I believe a very comon one is getting your user to make a link on their device home screen. That should make your web app an app like style concerning screensize and adresss bar.

    For the adress bar, there are tons of approaches, from having a scroll up event, to some zooming action.

    There are also various browser specific settings to hiding the bar.

    You could simply apply all :) or have some browser detection going to determine which to enable...

    For the view modes there are options so you detect current orientation, and then perform some action, like, from blocking the entire view and showing a text that the user needs to rotate the screen, or rotate the screen yourself if its in the wrong position, near effectively giving a lock function ...

    A quick search got me :


    (orientation: landscape) {

    body {

    -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);

    -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);

    -o-transform: rotate(-90deg);

    -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);

    transform: rotate(-90deg);




    just add that in the head of the index.html file.

    instead of rotate, you could have a black div cover the entire screen, with some white text in the middle mentioning to rotate.

    Its not perfect, but its a start ;)


  • I have the same issue too when up to some point I need to copy the layer to most of my layouts but not all. Global HUD is different thing (I'm aware of this), my problem is when I get a layer setting/properties/effect right, I want to implement them to all levels and minor tweak (position, add sprites, etc) them individually. Seriously if there is a feature like it would cut a lot of production hours.

    I hope this thing is in the Ashley to-do list or will be in the list at least.

    hours ? how many layers are you talking about :P

    Just a hand full of settings per layer ... and even with 20 layouts, adding and chaging the layouts should be easy.

    I feel this is more of a degsin approach flaw ...

    You create several layouts, probably for levels, then started working on one of them and expanded it a lot ...

    As it sounds, the quickest option for you would be:

    Duplicate that one layout you made furthest.

    then clean out that duplicate, retaining the layers, then copy the objects from the older layout which require the adaptions, to the new duplicate. From there you can select ranges of your objects and shift them to the appropiate layer

  • There is a bit of a shift in gaming land since quite a few years. More and more games want their actions to be able to influence game play.

    Like you turn into a monster cos you kill a lot, or run around in a pink tank top cos your a girl character.

    Different out comes of the game involving players choices along the way that influenced it.

    No more static levels which make you follow a particular course, but diversity in paths taken.

    Want to start on the last quest ? just go ahead .... dont expect it to be easy though.

    Those sort of things ... When Im playing a game, I want to be involved.

  • A lot depend on how you implement the mechanics.

    I guess both methods are ok, you just have to keep other basics in mind, such as not using too much large graphics for level elements.

    im building an isometric which does a bit of both, have most of the layout created, and all the dynamics stuff gets created when i get in range.

    A lot is about finding a balance with your graphics and performance (next to having decent code running ofc).

    Method 2 is a lot harder for most people, but if you are able, that is a very good method, and gives you a lot of dynamic manipulation ability to the level.

    Most just build huge layouts which serve as individual levels.

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  • *makes note to work on sarcasm*