lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Some versions ago they discovered an issue with the same group names.

    You coudl try this:

    Instead of putting the items under a group, give the event that is suposed to be below the group an extra condition: "is group active"

    will effectively achieve the same, but here with a condition.

    Imagine now that group names work project wide.

    So if you disable a group name in A lyout, it will be disabled on ALL layouts.

  • lennaert

    Just to let you know. WebRTC does not require a server. It allows for Peer 2 Peer connection.

    I suspect this is the leverage Ashley has been waiting for. Being able to make an UDP orientated serverless simple api.

    I'm also going to wager that there will be no syncing. I think most of you are going to disappointed that your still going to need to to 80% of the networking code. But who knows. Maybe Ashley will implemented Input Prediction or Lag Compensation.

    But it's a good base to build off of.

    It does require a signalling server, or you have to exchange your adresses with other player over IM or email ....

    Otherwise you will not be able to find other players.

    some general info


    Connecting across networks? You?ll need a server.

    WebRTC works brilliantly when connecting browsers within the same local network. But as soon as you start reaching outside your network ? into a corporate firewall, for example ? you?re going to need a little more, well, firepower.

  • There are some examples online already with javascript html in combination with a nodejes using webrtc:


    If your looking for example code to implement features from:

    Here is a huge list of working examples, source:


    This dude made video work on canvas using webrtc



  • Preview in debug mode, then check profile for cpu load %

    You can easily spot which piece is sluggish

  • Any idea on what kind of multiplayer support this is going to be? I'm wondering if this will be mobile compatible and if it's LAN or cloud based (or both)?

    WebRTC related, requires a server to communicate with.

  • lennaert - so does this mean I've been wasting my time? xD

    Whahah, well .. perhaps   lol lets first see what ashley whiffs up

  • W00t, I had just earlier today expanded my nodejs server with webrtc capabilities to dabble in html/javascript with webrtc to see if I could make a plugin :D

    Awesome timing Scirra :D

  • Another option:

    You could put an invisible sprite on your layout, give it "scroll to" behaviour, and on each touch set its position to touch x,y

    This would effectively move the portview center towards where you clicked.

    Eliminating the need for drag and drop.

    (you could add some movement to the invisible sprite to smoothen the camera transition)

  • I know I have not included a capx or anything, and this is not a normal bug report, more of an observation of a reoccuring problem.

    I have had some instabilty issues, and it varied form version to version (betas included)

    I found one source of instability which I cant reproduce effectively but is as consistent as day and night for me ..., undoing and or redoing .. not saving .... continue to work, .... crash ..

    Perhaps not as simple as defined above, but whenever I am busy in a growing project, and I dont save regularly, the whole construct 2 program becomes unstable after undoing edits (undo, especially if you undo a lot) and redo some or and add some events after the undo's ... and pow .... at some point close after the undoing, a freeze/crash happens.

    When the auto save was introduced, it saved every half hour and my problems seemed to have vanished ... but .. the saving became tedious with big games, and turned it off ... and wham .. crashes occured again.

    I fiddled around and took note of crashes ....

    So now I have the autosaving on 2 hours and taught myself to hit the save button more regular.

    It appearedd to me, that after having undone a couple edits, then hitting save button, and continue with whatever, stopped the crashing for me ....

    In short:

    Every crash I have now (very few) occur after I undid a couple of edits and did not save before continuing to work.

  • After 8 days of blood sweat and warfare, I'm proud to announce the first public appearance of World *********** a good resemblense of an all time classic with some twists of its own.


    Multiplayer only


    Ingame chat

    Enjoy   <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Scirra Arcade: World Domination

  • If you can move an object from one point to another then all that's left is to move up and down as well.

    With this formula as a base for the parabolic motion:


    Here's a capx:


    Sweeeeet :D

    Thanks a lot R0J0hound !!!

  • If it's just for eye-candy I would create the arc with the custom movement behaviour.

    I got as far as to adding it earlier ... checking the options .. testing a few, .. and having some similair issues as to the bullet with grav.

    I can worj out 1 nice arch with some trial and error, but when I aim for another location, say the opposite side, ... then it goes awry.

    Suggestions as to approach with custom movement?

  • I have a fixed startpoint A at x,y and a dynamic destination at B x,y, by selection of mouse/touch.

    I am looking for an approach other then physics to make an object follow a parabolic leaps from a to b in a isometric like scenarion.

    It does not have to be precise, or a perfect arch, its for a bit of eye candy so it needs to be light and perhaaps lerped or something.

    I'd like to do this without plugins.

    Right now I use a combination of a fixed 270 ddegree impule combined with an angluard impulse with some distance math. It works semi, though, its not perfect, far from.

    Another approach I used was with a bullet and some gravity, but I cant make out the formula needed to have it target switch to another B point.

    the best so far was with the physics ...but its also in accurate, if you have a better suggestion then the following:

    targetx,y is start point, countries x,y is point b

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7134196/physics_arch.png" border="0" />

    If you see room for improvement or have a better approach, I'd be gratefull :)

    In short: how do I make an arch like effect between 2 points on an x,y grid.

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  • lennaert - VERY good point about layouts for each view. I hadn't thought about the loading details. I think layers would be best, indeed.

    come to think of it, that approach actually lead me to make virtual attempt.

    I started with the thing that is now the mini map in the top left.

    It was suposed to be a hidden bottom layer to determine x,y coordinate.

    But it became multifuntional as I also applied it to be the minimap.