lemo's Forum Posts

  • Hmm... I want to create an account on the website but the buttons do nothing?

    Also I tried the test, but nothing happens when I press space either...

    Does it have anything to do with me having a crappy connexion at the moment? (I saw something about a 7sec timeout in a previous page, and yes I do tend to have port 843 error quite often)

  • Tom

    Hi, any update on this?

    I just figured out today for the

    The current forum looks good visually, but I need to follow topics BADLY, it's impossible to keep track of everything otherwise ^^'


  • What I meant about the character is that you could find something more subtle, or maybe with less particles.

    If the game has to be contemplative, the avatar is maybe a bit distractive.

    For example how about giving different "shapes" to those particles to form a body, or some other living creature, but just slightly and keeping rather abstract of course.

    Turns out I made

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    with evolving particles a while ago ;)

  • <img src="http://imgur.com/n9IQx.png" border="0" />

    Using the IMG plugin

    I just have one event on start of layout to "Set image URL" to an other avatar image here

  • Thanks for the capx!

    Actually I made it work in the meantime with my proxy method, but it doesn't hurt knowing an alternative I guess ^^

    Just tried the plugin though, and I'm gonna have to stick with the proxy (and load img from url) for now, because the Sprite element is more flexible for my use

    Also "Set image to URL" from the plugin gives me an error...

    (reporting in the other thread)

  • Really cool indeed, you got some fine immersion going on here

    Maybe just the particle character feels too weird somehow

    Did you also create all the sound design from scratch?

  • Pode

    I use your div plugin, put <img> tag by action:innerhtml. It works, thanks.

    Sounds fun :]

    Can we have a capx or some detail/tutorial on how to do that?

    I tried loading images from a proxy (like this code.google.com/p/mirrorrr/) on my domain, but while it used to work with flash and other stuff, I can't make it work with C2 :\</p>

  • Old thread but same issue here

    Any chance you won't be using IE engine in the future?

    Or do I really have to install this thing just for the start page

  • Thanks for the reply Ashley

    I'm really new to game development, so I don't know a lot of things (nor am skilled enough to write my own plugins), but looks like Mipey may have a point here regarding general use

    And people still have pngnq & pngcrush at their disposal if they want to optimize their images themselves

    Also being able to apply basic transformations (crop, offset, mask?) afterwards sounds to me like a natural evolution to the "Load image from url" feature

    Btw Mipey, I almost replied on your thread the other day when I saw your Spritefont plugin, isn't that quite close to something that could process a sprite sheet from an url into an animation?

  • Neat colors and designs here!

  • I'm interested in this too!

    For my game here I'm using sprite sheets from an API, that delivers both the image and the coordinates of each sprite.

    See how it looks here:


    For now, I had to download the sheets and import them manually in C2, but if such thing was possible dynamically at runtime, it could support ANY character supported by the API, instead of ONE currently...

    And people would be able to play the game with their own avatar instead of mine.

    I've seen some discussion on the forums about an "image offset" parameter in CC for tiled backgrounds, but I don't quite understand why it's not in C2 too. Such thing would work eventually for animations.

    Or is there any other way to work this out with the current tools?

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  • sounds good, will follow this!

  • Hey guys here are three games I've been making with C2

    Recently a MMO I was playing, called "Glitch", closed its doors and released all its assets as a creative commons license, for others to give the game a new life.

    And this is the time when I coincidentally discovered the existence, and awesomeness of Construct2.

    So I've been playing around with those games and graphics, mostly to get some experience with C2, before making bigger games with my own assets!

    The links I'll post below are actually "guest" versions of those games. I originally published them on Glitch forums, and every former player with a Glich account is actually able to login and play with his own character from the game, through the Glitch API.

    I'm also trying to recreate an mmo experience, as all the "img" points you get in one game is saved with the magic of webstorage, and can be used to purchase things in one other game.

    <font size="5">Game Of Orbs</font>

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/mH9w61R.png" border="0">

    The first one is similar to a mini-game in Glitch called Game of Crowns, except I replaced the multiplayer capture the flag elements by some "snake-like" item grabbing survivor.

    Your mission is to retrieve as many orbs as you can, while dodging the ever-growing amount of "jujus".

    Each new orb gives you some time with 3 seconds of invulnerability, and you can use the orbs you collected to reset the timer or become invincible when needed.

    Use the arrow keys or wasd/zqsd to move and e/r/t to use an orb.

    More info, how to play and player feedback on Glitch forums

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    Play Game Of Orbs

    Fun facts:

    As mentioned above, the game loads the animation sprite sheets from Glitch servers when the player is logged in. This was a big part of the challenge, and to make it possible I'm loading images from urls into a sprite, which is then animated though events and masked to show the animation one frame at a time.

    <font size="5">Glitch Craft</font>

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/XwUZY58.png" border="0">

    This one is a bit like Minecraft in a 2d environment, you can choose from a bunch of building blocks with different looks and properties, and some physics components. Each block can be made from the "crafty bot" with some Img points you can get through other games.

    It's also possible to choose the music and pick any of the backgrounds in a sandbox style environment.

    More info, how to play and player feedback on Glitch forums

    Play Glitch Craft

    Fun facts:

    To save on bandwidth and loading times, all the available backgrounds are not included in the game media from C2. I'm loading them dynamically into the background sprites on demand, and from Photobucket, which is actually a surprisingly good option for remote media storage with cross domain access.

    <font size="5">Planks Vs Zomblitch</font>

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/tQ5vFb3.png" border="0">

    And this is a remake of the stunning Plants Vs Zombies, in a Glitch way

    You have to grab the bonus points falling and build your defenses with "cubimals" (which were a collectible item in the mmo) and other items to fight the "zomblitches" coming from the right (I guess it makes sense to zombify character assets after a game died :p)

    More info, how to play and player feedback on Glitch forums

    Play Planks Vs Zomblitch

    Fun facts:

    This game makes intensive use of the EaseTween behavior from lunarray for most of small movements, and it's a really neat addon you should check out. Also, like Game Of Orbs, the leaderboard is powered by austin 's Clay.io, through a custom display using div plugin from Pode

    Hope you'll like those games, feedback is always appreciated!