legofreak689's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to use a custom sprite font for text in my game, however I'm running into an issue where weird lines show up in the text when the game is put into fullscreen mode.

    When the text is being displayed at it's normal size, it looks totally fine. As soon as there's any sort of scaling, lines start showing up between and on the characters. Not sure what's going on, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of it, that would be great.

    I've tried running the same sprite font in C3 with the same events and sprite font settings and it behaves in the same way.

    Images to further illustrate my dilemma:

  • That did it. Once again, I thank you for all your help! It means so much!

  • Awesome, thank you so much!! That really did the trick. However, I am curious as to why when they volume is at zero, it won't save. It will just reset itself to max volume. Any other level that isn't 0 will save, but once the volume is completely silent it just won't save itself. Would you have any idea why that is? No problem if you don't, just thought I'd ask anyways. Thank you again! You've really helped a lot!

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  • Alright, well I started using a dictionary for the events, and I mostly got the fullscreen to work (not fully), but the sliders and audio levels still aren't functioning. Sorry if my mistakes are simple to fix and I'm missing something that is probably staring me in the face!

    Here's the updated capx:

    Many thanks again for your help!

  • Hey all!

    I've posted multiple times in the past about having troubles with audio sliders and audio levels not working, but this time I'm having a problem with them saving. Everything seems to be working correctly, but then when I load up the game, you can't hear the audio until you open the settings page. And even then, the audio sliders don't automatically load to what they were when the game closed. They start at the max volume then a couple ticks later adjust to where they last were, but the audio remains at full volume. I've attached the capx file for the game in hopes of having it get solved. Any help would be absolutely tremendous!


  • This question is difficult to put into one sentence (the title). I have a system in my game that allows a player to beat a level, then go back and play that level whenever they want. Whenever I make progress on unlocking levels to play again, then close the game, the progress is erased when I open the game again. I'm trying to figure out how to keep that progress in the level-unlocking system every time the game is closed then opened again. I don't know if I need to use the Local Save function or something else.

    Any help is welcome in this area. Thank you in advance!

  • Thank you both so much! These have been immensely helpful. AllanR I've decided to go with your solution because it's a lot closer to my original concept. However, I've followed your capx file, and for some reason whenever the line is spawned, it spawns on the circle and not between circles. Any idea as to what would cause that?

    EDIT: Wait, never mind. I fixed it. Turns out I didn't have the hotspot set properly on the line. Thank you so much! Everything works properly!

  • Hey guys,

    I'm working on a game and the very last puzzle I want to implement is giving me fits. I'm trying to add a puzzle to the game that is impossible to solve, but the functionality is difficult for me to add.

    This picture was made in Photoshop and is an example of what I would like the game to do.

    Essentially, you need to connect the dots at the start point and fill every circle in until the end point. NO DIAGONALS, and you can't cross through a circle more than once. It's an impossible puzzle. I just don't know how to get the game to know it can't draw diagonal lines, and I don't know how to get the game to draw the lines in between the dots. The rest I can figure out, but essentially it's just getting the game to know it can't draw diagonally and getting the game to draw the lines in general.

    If anyone can help with this at all, I will be forever grateful. I'm just stumped. I don't even know if this type of code/puzzle is possible in C2.

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  • Hey everyone,

    I'm beta testing my game right now and one of the testers responded pretty quickly saying that when they load up the game, it's zoomed in on their screen unless they put the game into windowed mode then back into fullscreen.

    I made the game in the 16:9 resolution at 1080p and have the game go into fullscreen when the game starts on the first layout. I was wondering what the best way would be to maintain that aspect ratio but get the game to just lower its resolution whenever it loads up in fullscreen mode on computers with different screen resolutions but still in the 16:9 ratio (if this all makes sense)?

    I've done some research around the forums, but I haven't found anything that ends up working out for me. If anyone knows anything or has a solution, I'm all ears! Thanks!

  • Huge thank you, my friend. That worked perfectly!

  • Hey all,

    for my breakout-style game I need to give both the mouse and they arrow keys on the keyboard the ability to control the paddle on the bottom of the screen. Currently, I have two different layouts where one has complete mouse control (Every tick --> set Paddle X to Mouse.X) and one where the paddle has complete arrow key control by using the 8-directions behavior. Just wondered if anyone has any ideas on how I can get both the mouse and arrow keys to control the paddle? Thank you!

  • Hey all,

    I was just wondering if C2 has a function that allows the player to press a button then they can download a file such as a PDF to their desktop? No worries if there isn't, just had an in-game thing that I wanted players to have the chance to download should they want to. Thanks!

  • Actually, would you know how to prevent the game from decreasing it's frame rate after, like, 7 seconds? I was doing to reading on dt and I can't seem to make heads or tails of it. Any help would be great.

  • Hey all,

    I've got another question. I'm trying to implement a timer into my game that doesn't count down, but counts up from 0. The way I'm trying to get it to look is like this: 00:00 then every second that goes by will add 1 to the time until it gets to 60 seconds which will cause the timer to get to 01:00 to represent 1 minute. However, I've looked up a few tutorials on how I can attempt to get this to work, but all that ends up happening is the timer will still be counting normally yet the clock looks like this: 00:10, which means 1 second. 10 seconds looks like this: 00:100. If anyone knows a simple way of fixing this, that would be great.

    Currently I have two text boxes and two global variables with a static colon between them (three text boxes and two global variables in total). If there's a way I can do it without multiple text boxes I'll take it, but if it's easier with multiple variables and boxes then that works for me too.