Laurent's Forum Posts

  • I'm using Pathfinding to create a top down game. Some obstacle on my layout are cliffs (sprite is a rectangle) . I need them to be an obstacle when you abord them from on side (base of the cliff) but can be crossed from the opposite side (you can jump from the top of the cliff). Any idea on how to do that ?

  • Same for me

    Doesn't work event when I add website to welcome page form Safari iOs

    Tested with LAN preview on iPad

  • Does it also work when the game is turned into an app for android or iOS ?

  • Thanks newt

    I get what you mean but I'm not skillful enough to implement that

  • Any news about that ?

  • take a look here

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Problem Description

    Game not opening on iPad. works well on computer

    Attach a Capx

    Capx is unchanged "multiplayer chat" from examples provided with Construct

    Description of Capx

    Multiplayer chat

    No third party used in this capx

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 : open capx
    • Step 2 : send to device through LAN
    • Step 3 : black screen and prompt (see after)

    Observed Result

    Game not working. Black screen

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Safari iPad : (YES-game not working)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____


    Prompt message :

    JavaScript error, syntax error

    Unexpected use of reserved 'let' word in strict mod

    This may be a bug in Construct or a third party plugin


  • That's pretty nice !

    How do you scroll content when bottom line is reached ?

    And what are the Commands and Shell arrays for ?

  • Laurent

    You already made it.

    "every tick" or "every 0.5 seconds" are all fine, it depends how accuracy you want. sure it has trade off between accuracy and performance cost.


    I've got the logic but I didn't manage to turn it into Construct syntax. That's all the point

    So any help would be appreciated !

  • Laurent

    Comparing current data each tick to test the hours or minutes.


    Yes, that's what I've been doing so far but I was thinking about automatizing the process through a function like :

    • Every tick
    • For T = 1 to 24
    • If Current Hour = T and Current Minute = 0 then Play once sound T+"h"
    • Next T

    Where sound files are in the form of "1h", "2h", etc

    Any idea about how to do that ?

    PS : wouldn't "every tick" check for that be too much processor consuming ?

  • I ,

    I was very pleased to discover this plugin !

    The game I'm working on is based real time and there a clock supposed to ring the hours.

    I was planning to make 24 conditions check for every hour and realised that 1o'clock Am and PM have the same number of bell ring. I was wondering if you have an idea about how to make a simple function that will allow me to avoid making 24 condition check.

    My bell ring sound files have a name in the form of "1h", "2h" and so on where the numer matches the hour and the number of bell ring.

    Any piece of advice would be great !

    Thanks in advance

  • Let's say central point of emitter is full volume, volume then decreasing from center to blue edge where it is mute. Circle will thus be the volume range from full volume (center) to minimum volume (edge). Outside the circle, sound is not heard anymore. As for the listener, sound outside the circle are not heard and "listening power" decreases from center to edge of blue circle.

  • Thanks Ashley, it does, indeed !

    Should be great to visualise it for each sound source on the editor.

    What happens if inner angle is 0 and outer angle is 360 ?

    And what about being able to visualise spatial sounds this way ? :

  • Hi Ashley,

    I've been playing with the positioned sounds system. Everything works fine except I don't really understand the "Inner angle"/"Outer angle" parameters in the "Play at object" window. I've spotted topics about that but it doesn't make things clearer. Any way to show us a graphic representations of the whereabouts ?

    As for the positioning system, I have a request : I wonder if it would be possible to implement a visual guide for this, for exemple showing graphically on the layout the area covered by the sound in the shape of a circle around its source.

    Current project is sound positioning intensive and it's very hard to visualise the influence zone of each source.

    Thanks !


  • Dear all,

    Thanks to everybody for your help. Problem is solved. My code was actually working. I just forgot to replace "Mouse" coordinates by "Touch" coordinates. Everythingis fine now.